Chapter 18: Back at Beacon

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"... and so, in summary, Dust's role in our world cannot be understated. Our technology, our livelihoods... our very survival as a civilization is built on the foundation of Dust, and I, heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, am incredibly proud of what my family has built so far, and will build in the future. Thank you."

Grabbing her pleated skirt, Weiss gave the other students in her class a proper curtsy and a smile. Not too big of a smile to being brash, but a picture-perfect ladylike smile.

The smile was the most important part in curating a respectable image.

Looking out over her classmates Weiss fell back on her training to not openly scowl at their bored expressions. She did allow her smile to soften a breath when she saw Zeffre giving her a thumbs up from her seat. 'At least someone was paying attention.'

She immediately scowled when she saw Yang sleeping on her desk.

"Excellent presentation Ms. Schnee. Very informative," Professor Oobleck said rapidly, taking an obnoxiously loud sip from his tumbler. "You may take your seat. Next up, would Ms. Lux please come down?"

'Ms. Lux?'

Walking back to her team, Weiss tried to recall the name. She didn't know of anybody in the class with the last name 'Lux'.

Weiss took her seat next to Blake.

"Nice advertisement Weiss."

That wasn't a complement.

"What's your problem," Weiss whispered a little too loudly.

Before Blake could say something else Zeffre abruptly stood up from her seat. "Is nobody going to wish me luck? I'm scawed," she said, smiling as she put on a wide brimmed hat with a brass buckle.

"Did you just seriously say 'scawed'?" Weiss asked.

"Yup," Zeffre said, giving Weiss a bright grin as she finished adjusting her hat.

"Why are you putting on a hat?" Blake asked, looking past Weiss at the blue-haired girl.

"Prop. I've got some more I need to get outside," Zeffre said as she walked past them down to the front of the lecture hall.

"Any time now Ms. Lux," Professor Oobleck said, taking a drink from his tumbler while tapping on his watch.

"Moving. I just need a minute to get set up," Zeffre said, giving him an innocent smile.

An innocent smile.

Weiss knew enough about the girl to know that an innocent smile meant she was up to something.

'I didn't know her last name was Lux,' Weiss thought, narrowing her eyes slightly at the girl. Weiss silently watched as Zeffre walked out of the lecture hall to get her 'props'.

They had only known each other for a few weeks and, as she thought about it, Weiss realized she knew shockingly little about Zeffre.

'Zeffre Lux? Huh.'

She knew her well enough to consider her a friend at least, but beyond that the girl was a mystery. Even ignoring all of her weird powers that, according to her, weren't her Semblance, Zeffre was still an unknown. Sure, she was friendly enough; always willing to talk with anyone and offer help whenever she could, but whenever a topic became somewhat personal she would either deflect the conversation or say some non-sequitur that made no sense.

The door to the hall opened again.

Using a door stop to hold the door open, Zeffre brought in her 'props'.

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