Chapter 17: We'll Be Right Back

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"Absolutely not," Zeffre muttered in her bed.

Holding out her palm towards the floating motes of light she slowly closed her hand into a fist. The lights illuminating her dark room stopped their aimless floating, first halting in the air before coalescing into a singular point above her bed. Tightening her grip, the light sputtered until finally fading away, plunging her room back into darkness.

Yawning, Zeffre turned in her bed, trying to get back to sleep.

She had better things to do than go on some wacky adventure.

The moment Roman entered the warehouse Saffre appeared in a flash of white light.

This wasn't surprising; she usually stayed nearby in case he needed something. What was surprising was her body language.

Normally, whenever Roman talked to Saffre he found the girl to be almost impossible to read. She stood ramrod straight, expression mostly blank, voice dull. It was one of the reasons he found it so hard to deal with her; he couldn't tell what she was thinking. Now however...

Leaning against his cane he watched silently as Saffre looked at the ground, shoulders slumped, her body hunched forward a little...

"Did you need something?" he asked.

Saffre looked up at him before quickly looking back down. She then looked behind herself.

'When did she get headphones?'

Following her gaze Roman spotted Neo hiding at the end of the hall, giving Saffre a thumbs up. Once she noticed Roman looking at her Neo gave him a smirk before ducking back behind the corner.

Roman heard Saffre say... Something. She had said it so quietly that even in the dead silent warehouse he couldn't make it out.

Sighing, Roman began twirling his cane.

On one hand, this level of indecisiveness was incredibly annoying to him, and if it were anyone else he'd have already walked away.

On the other hand, the fact that it was Saffre who seemed genuinely nervous about whatever she wanted to say made him curious. It was a chance to learn something about this strange girl.

"If you're going to speak...," he began before slamming his cane on the concrete floor of the warehouse, the sound making Saffre jump, "then speak."

As Saffre looked up at him Roman finally noticed that her face was a bright red. "D— do you want to watch a movie with me and Neo?" she stuttered, each word making her blush even harder before she looked back down.


Saffre looked back up at him, eyes wide. "MeandNeowentouttoget—"

Roman bonked her on the head with his cane. Not hard; just enough to stop her.

"Ow." She said, raising both hands to rub her head. "Why did you do that?"

"Talk slower."

Staring at him for a moment, Saffre gave a single nod. "Okay."

She took a deep breath. "Me and Neo went out and got equipment to make a nice screening room to watch movies in and we wanted to know if you wanted to watch movies too."

Neo came jogging down the hallway and abruptly hugged Saffre who began blushing again.

Roman wasn't sure how to process this. The last time he had seen Saffre the girl was only a step above a robot. Now here she was asking him a question? Not only that, but she looked genuinely flustered at Neo. He had only been gone for a few days.

Leaning heavily against his cane Roman let out an exaggerated 'hmm', making sure to stroke his chin. "Did the two of you get snacks?"

Saffre teleported slightly to the left, out of Neo's hug, before giving him an enthusiastic nod. "Yes. We've got soda, candy, popcorn, and a whole lot else."

The White Fang weren't due to show up for a few days...

Roman shrugged. "Sure. Why the hell not."

"Yay," Saffre said, giving a little hop.

While the three of them watched a movie Saffre saw something she had never seen before.

Faint motes of light were floating gently above them.

Suddenly, Saffre's vision went white. She felt a familiar sense of vertigo, followed by a short fall through empty space. She heard two other bodies land on what felt like a cold metal floor.

"What the hell," She heard Roman mutter somewhere off to her right.

As Saffre rubbed her eyes she heard a mechanical click followed by a familiar robotic voice.

"Greetings Captain."

Author's Note:

Consider this chapter to mark the beginning of an arc where we follow Roman, Neo, and Saffre for a while.
I felt that Roman needed a vacation, and that this story needed some more Starfield.

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