Roman's Vacation 1: Archimedes V-A

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Rubbing her eyes, Saffre looked up.

Staring down at her was a tall angular robot. It had elongated limbs, two arms, two legs, and a burnt orange square head with a single camera lens. It was a Lunar Robotics Model A robot. One that Saffre knew very well.


Vasco tilted his robotic head, the camera that made up his eye giving a quiet click. "Greeting captain. Do you require any assistance?"

A multitude of different emotions flashed through Saffre's mind.

Another, louder, metallic click drew Saffre's attention to the right.

Standing ahead of her was another version of herself. This version was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and pants covered in a grey and red waistcoat. Saffre recognized the outfit as belonging to Ryujin Industries.

This version of her was also aiming a large double barreled rifle at her head.

"Hey." the other her said, giving Saffre a smirk. Her finger was on the trigger. "You cool?"

Saffre furrowed her brow at the question. "I'm actually a little warm, but I don't see how that is relevant?" What a weird question to ask.

The other her lowered the rifle a hair, snickering. "Are you serious?"

Slowly getting to her feet, Saffre locked eyes with the other her. "Why wouldn't I be serious in a moment like this?"

Ryujin Zeffre finished lowering Unmitigated Violence, laughing. "Well, you seem friendly enough."


Saffre and Ryujin Zeffre looked at a confused Roman Torchwick. "Saffre would you please explain to me what the hell is going on."

Saffre shrugged. "We're in a different universe."

"Of course we are..." he said, gripping the bridge of his nose.

Ryujin Zeffre gave another amused chuckle before glancing over at Saffre. "Saffre eh? Someone else get there before you?"

Saffre gave her a nod.

There was a loud bang of a metal door slamming against a railing from above.

"Zeffre! You absolute, massive, gigantic—," someone began ranting. Looking around Saffre finally noticed that they were in a large underground chamber, with catwalks setup around the walls. On the second floor was a large control room with glass windows, and the source of the voice.

She was a woman of around thirty years of age wearing a Ryujin lab outfit. She had dark skin and two-tone hair, one half a vibrant yellow and the other half a dark indigo. Her hair was styled into a tight bun.

This woman, still ranting, jumped from the third story catwalk, igniting a jetpack before she hit the ground.

She also had a white and blue Solstice laser pistol.

Letting out a yelp, Zeffre quickly dodge out of the way of her shot.

"Maria wait! I can explain!" she said, hiding behind Saffre.

The woman, Maria, wasn't done ranting. "—gargantuan, supermassive, cosmic, expansive," Maria continued aiming the gun at Saffre as her brow furrowed for a moment.

"Infinite?" Zeffre said, peeking out from behind Saffre, giving Maria a grin.

Maria took a shot at her head, barely missing. "—Infinite idiot!" she shouted.

Roman's lighter wasn't working.

Silently watching the spectacle unfolding before him, with Saffre's twin, Zeffre, maneuvering the girl to act as a human shield between herself and a furious woman in a red and black lab coat, Roman let out a dejected sigh.

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