Chapter 21: Maintenance Part 1

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"And so... yeah. I'm a weird space person from a different universe," Zeffre said, hugging Veiled Night to her chest. "Uh... hi."

She didn't expect them to understand. Her thumb stroked the smooth onyx black frame of her rifle, the metal warm from her body heat.

'They'll probably be interested more in the Artifacts.'

It was a fair thought. Her powers come from the Artifacts and Temples; it only made sense for people to focus in on those aspects of her story. In her experience people loved to learn more about where she got her powers and what she could do.

"So, you're like a superhero?!" Ruby said.

Zeffre blinked. "What."

Leaping off her bed, Ruby rushed over, eyes wide with glee. "You come from space, have sparkly magical powers, and fight evil. You're totally a superhero!"

"I am definitely not a hero...," Zeffre said, face heating up. This was different.

"That's what a superhero would say!" Ruby all but shouted, squealing in delight with a massive grin on her face. "That's so cool!"

"Ruby. Inside voice please," Weiss said, staring evenly at Zeffre.


Yang strolled over, giving Zeffre a playful grin. "Hm... You're right, Superhero might be a bit dramatic. 'Space Wizard' sounds more accurate."

"I'm really not a hero," Zeffre said. "Seriously, I just like to hel—Yang!"

Without a word Yang picked up Zeffre as if she weighed nothing. "Ya know, considering you're a Starperson, you weigh like 100 pounds at most wet."

Blake let out a quiet laugh.

Zeffre's eye twitched. "Starborn. Put me down." she said, holding onto her rifle with her free arm.

"You're more like a zesty child," Yang said, smirking.

Zeffre went limp. She was Starborn. She had been to hundreds of different universes, fought her way to the Unity just as many times. In her travels she has been called many things, most commonly an angel considering the way her abilities look and her connection to what many people call the divine. 'Zesty child...' Never. Not once. Has she ever been called anything like a 'zesty child.'

"Oh! Do you have a secret identity?" Ruby asked the suspended Zeffre.

"I... um... no...," Zeffre stammered out. These people were weird.

Yang pulled her into a crushing hug, Zeffre still gripping to Veiled Night. "Aww! I've never seen you so flustered before; you look adorable!"

Zeffre collapsed into starlight, appearing next to Ruby gasping for air.

"That's so cool!" Ruby exclaimed, giving a little hop while Zeffre took in deep draughts of air.

"Why is that cool? You already knew I could teleport," Zeffre said, carefully watching a grinning Yang who had a playful glint in her eyes. If she needed to, she could hide on top of Ruby's bed. Preserve the high ground.

Ruby nodded her head. "Yeah, but before I just thought you had a Semblance not superpowers!"

"What... What's the difference?" Zeffre asked. To her Semblance's were magic.

"They're just different." Ruby stated, nodding her head.

"Right...," Zeffre began slowly, unable to find any flaws with her detailed and insightful reasoning.

Bringing Veiled Night back to her chest Zeffre looked at the four of them.

Ruby had an innocent smile, her silver eyes filled with excitement as she stared at Zeffre.

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