Roman's Vacation 4: Negotiations

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Ryujin Industries corporate colors were red and black, something he picked up from his time around Zeffre, as well as having a brain and basic observational skills. This was reflected in the lobby of Ryujin Tower, where the walls were painted a vibrant, but not too vibrant, red, the floor a polished black.

Above the main pathway leading to the elevator was a stone sculpture of a dragon hanging from the ceiling; Ryujin's corporate logo proudly displayed above the elevator.

To his right was a reception area, and to his left was a small display area for white plastic rifles he had never seen before.

This was a lobby designed to take in foot traffic from the public, and yet, beyond the two guards at the entrance, it was devoid of life.

'Where is everybody?' Roman thought as he looked around the lobby.

There was a flash of white light directly underneath the dragon sculpture.

The moment Zeffre and Roman made eye contact she began laughing.

With calm, measured, steps, Roman walked over to her with Neo and Saffre.

"Do you want to share what is so funny with the rest of us?" he asked.

"I... god damn...," she giggled, covering her mouth with her hand to suppress her laughter, "I left you three alone for, like, three hours, and you come back covered in blood and she," she pointed at Neo.

Neo waved back.

"is wearing a Strikers hoodie."

She laughed a bit more. "Roman, you haven't even been in this universe for a full 24 hours and you already have a body count. Honestly, I'm impressed."

Roman gave her a sly smirk, resting his still bloody cane against his shoulder. "I felt it was important for me to introduce myself to the people of this fine city."

Zeffre looked at Saffre, "I like him."

"Anyway, take this," she said, tossing him a black card. "That'll tell the elevator where to go. I'll go and let Genie know you three are here," she said, giving him a two fingered salute before vanishing in a flash of white light.

Yawning, Roman led them over towards the elevator as he inspected the card. It was metallic, fitting comfortably in the palm of his hand, devoid of any features. It had a matte black finish with a red trim around its border.

"Interesting how she didn't just give us a floor number," he muttered, taking another look around.

Saffre was also looking around, her rifle drawn and at rest as she took in their surroundings.

Neo was fiddling with her Solstace, a casual smile on her face as she aimlessly inspected its features, occasionally taking glances around the lobby.

The two of them had also caught onto how something was off.

Without a word Roman led the trio into the elevator.

Hitting the button to close the door, Roman wasn't ready to go up just yet. "Saffre, what do you make of this?" He asked, handing over the card to her.

Saffre held the card between two fingers, flipped it once, and then handed it back to him. "Ryujin Tower has a few 'unofficial' floors that can't be accessed normally... Imogene is being extremely cautious."

Roman tapped a finger against his cane. 'What's with all the cloak and dagger?'

The two security guards hadn't glanced at their group, even though Saffre was clearly armed.

Yawning again Roman scowled at himself. He hadn't slept since he got here, and he needed to be sharp fo—

White motes of light filled the elevator and Roman felt immediately better. Blinking, he gave himself a shake. He felt as if he had just woken up from an amazing night's rest.

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