Chapter 4

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I got dressed with Pansy as I had for most events. We usually caught up on current gossip or drama as we got ready. I usually wasn't one to care for drama but Pansy got off on it I swear. She had a good bit of intel on some of the tri wizard contestants. The event itself was interesting enough, but the behind the scenes drama was almost more exhilarating.

Fleur apparently had asked Cedric to the dance and he rejected her for some reason which didn't make sense to me because she was drop dead gorgeous. Then to make matters worse Cedric and Harry had a love triangle with Cho apparently. Harry really couldn't catch a break between that and being entered into the tournament unwillingly. Not to mentioned Hermione who was constantly swooned over by Harry was going to the dance with Krumm.

Then after Fleur was rejected by Cedric who was also the quidditch team Captain she went and asked the head of the Ravenclaw team out of spite. Normally I didn't care but I had to admit it was wild circumstances. That dating pool was messy and almost comical, like something out of a book.

We never heard back anything from Snape or our parents on the topic of Harry's name so we had dodged a bullet as far as I was concerned. Draco worried still slightly but I think we all were just worried for getting our marks. We of course had pledged our allegiance as families a long time ago but it would just make it real for us.

"Oh my god if I have to draw this wing one more time I'm going to scream." She said across from me.

I was ready so I got up and sat next to her on her vanity bench. I took the liner from her and carefully matched the line she has drawn on her other eye. I grabbed a bit of concealer because her foundation was smudged from her many do overs. I fixed it and as I was touching it up with powder I heard the door open but I couldn't turn to look.

"I promise I'm almost ready." Pansy said in a tired voice.

"Take your time love. You both look great." I heard my brother say.

I finished my job and I stood up brushing off my dress for any loose powders. The blue silk fabric clung to my body in just the right ways and I was honestly impressed with this dress. This was something I'd consider wearing again maybe over the holidays. It was the kind of dress my mother would have picked out herself as she always had an eye for good dresses.

"You look rather fancy for a school dance." I said looking to Draco seeing him fully dressed.

"Don't want to embarrass Pansy." He said and I just chuckled.

I saw Theo who had walked in behind Draco and he looked miserable. His hands were in his pocket and his face told me he'd rather be anywhere else but here. Frankly I could smell the smoke in him meaning he had likely just been up in the astronomy tower.

"Pansy you look great, leave your make up alone before you mess it up." I said seeing her trying to fuss over every square inch of her face. "I'll catch you guys later."

"Where are you going?" Draco asked as he looked to me. Theo also looked to me looking rather confused.

"To find my date." I stated knowing I had avoided this topic all week.

"Since when?" He asked and I take it Pansy hadn't mentioned it but she was probably waiting to open that Pandora's box when she had to.

"Since I don't want to third wheel with my brother and best friend. I'm going with a friend." I said not trying to make it seem like a big deal because frankly it wasn't.

"You weren't going to tell us?" He asked.

"It's a school dance and it's just a friend. Didn't realize I needed to fill out a permission slip." I said and I saw Draco and Theo exchange a look.

Dearly Detested • Theodore Nott •Where stories live. Discover now