Chapter 12

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Pansy had come over early before breakfast and helped me clean up my face and hide the mess of a bruise I had. I had to live with the cut on my lip and forehead, but the bruise was coverable around my eye and cheek bone. While make up didn't perfectly conceal everything it was better than walking around looking a complete mess.

She walked with me to breakfast and we sat alone because Theo and Draco seemed to be missing. She had told me to not worry about it and frankly I didn't care to ask. I just wanted to eat and get done with classes. She walked me to my first class as it was one we had together.

We sat in the back per usual and no one seemed to pay us any mind. Finals were coming up in the next few months and everyone was focused on that. I typically was as well but my mind was elsewhere. I hardly focused as my mind wandered from thought to thought as I had much of the weekend. I felt like an idiot for not seeing Nico's issues sooner and the whole thought of Theo was enough to throw me completely for a spin.

I was instantly filled with anxiety as class was dismissed and I was set to go to potions. I said my goodbyes to Pansy and I could tell she was a little hesitant to let me walk alone but she was supposed to be on the complete opposite end of the castle. She headed off and I made my usual trip to class. I walked in and saw a few people already in there.

I saw Blaise across the way already head first into his book. I didn't speak to him often but it was at least a familiar face. I sat down and got my things out and I looked to see if Draco or Theo had come in but neither of them did. I tried to focus on the book in front of me and for a while I did. It wasn't until I saw movement right at my left and I looked up.

All warmth in my body drained as I looked up to see an ill looking Nico. His hair was covering his face but I could clearly see his eye was nearly swollen shut. His lip was busted open and he looked five times worse than I did after he assaulted me. I gripped the edges of my book as he glared at me. He was about to sit down and I saw someone grab his shoulder and jerk him back.

"You're in my seat." Theo said pulling him back and I saw Nico flinch a bit.

Theo looked down at him with angry almost angry yet calm expression. My brother came up right behind him and shoved Nico towards where he and Theo usually sat. Nico stumbled and I saw everyone who was in the classroom look at the commotion. Theo swiped his books off the desk and sat down and started to get his things out.

Draco stared Nico down as he picked up his books and stood back up. Draco eyed him down until he sat and Snape walked in mere seconds later having missed all of that. He started teaching and I relaxed just a little bit because I had my brother and Theo between the two of us now. Draco seemingly cornered him since he sat in the edge of class next to a well and now Nico was sat next to him.

I want to say I had no idea what happened to Nico but as I sat in class I saw Theo's hands. His knuckles looked red and swollen and cracked. He was focused on Snape and I elbowed him softly. I gave him a confused look and he just gave me a confused look back. I reached out and grabbed his hand and held it up.

"I took care of it." He muttered.

"Theo." I said a little more seriously.

"You want me to apologize?" He asked sarcastically.

"That looks like it hurts." I said honestly not even knowing what to say.

"It doesn't." He said flatly. "Focus."


"Cori shut up." He said cutting me off and I was taken back. "God, you're insufferable."

I sat back in my seat and turned my attention back to class really unsure of how to take him. I hadn't seen him since I had woken up on his chest the other morning. Sure we agreed that we didn't want to change things between us just yet but I wasn't ready for him to snap.

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