Chapter 15

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We left for breakfast and I made sure to leave Theo's room a few minutes before he did. The last thing I wanted was to be put in a position I couldn't explain. Hardly anyone from Slytherin was at breakfast when I got into the great hall. Frankly not many people were around from any house. A lot of houses had parties last night because we were set to leave tomorrow morning. It was one last celebration before we left for the summer.

I saw Draco sat down at the table and his head was in both his hands. I sat across from him and he slightly lifted his head but soon looked back down. He looked as green as ever and I was odd to see him down here without Pansy especially since Theo and I both saw them head back to his room.

"How are you alive?" He asked me in a hoarse voice.

"I feel like shit." I said simply.

"You don't look like it." He said in a grumbly voice.

"Thanks?" I said giving him an off look.

"I threw up 12 times." He told me and I could see his sick looking face.

"Jesus Draco." I said because even I hadn't thrown up and I drank a lot.

"I threw up purple. What is even purple?" He asked looking like he was distraught over it.

"How much did you drink?" I asked him sitting up on my elbow.

"I don't know, Theo and I drank a few but once I came back downstairs and started dancing with Pansy I lost count." He explained all while shaking his head.

"Where is Pansy?" I asked him realizing she wasn't with him.

"She threw up more than I did. She wanted to skip breakfast but I told her she needed to eat something. She took a shower and should be down soon." He explained.

"We drank a lot." I said with a small smile because it was funny seeing him this hungover. We drank with family often but we rarely ever felt like crap after because we never over did it.

"Exactly so how are you so chipper?" He asked me shaking his head almost irritated that I was tired but fine.

"I slept well I don't know." I said avoiding eye contact knowing damn well why I was so well rested.

"I hate you." He spat looking down at his plate with sad eyes.

"Learn to handle your alcohol better." I said with a shrug.

"Oh no." Draco said and I looked to see Pansy coming into the great hall.

She was still in her pajamas and her hair was sopping wet. She looked half awake and almost a sicker green than Draco. She came and plopped down next to Draco and Theo came up not too long after her. He sat down right next to me and sat way too close. I glared at him but frankly Draco and Pansy were too sick to notice.

"Morning sunshine's." Theo said and I smirked to myself knowing we felt much better than they did.

"Fuck you Nott." Pansy spat.

"You too get a little too wild last night?" He asked poking the bear.

"I don't even remember." She whined.

"You going to be alive for that early train ride tomorrow?" I asked her knowing she had to be up in about 12 hours so she needed to get right back to bed after dinner if she didn't want to hate her life.

"I will puke on you both." She spat and I raised my eyebrows and looked to Theo who looked just as surprised.

Pansy could have an attitude but she rarely got an attitude with us. Any attitude she got was always playful but she looked pissed. Neither of them was touching their food and they just stared at the table. I shrugged and started to eat hardly waiting for them knowing they were likely one bite away from yacking again.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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