Chapter 7

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Christmas came and went before I even realized. We had opened presents Christmas morning and had an amazing dinner and even if I had spent it with my worst nightmare I still enjoyed myself. It was a happy time of year but even filled with gifts and food the reality still weighed heaviest on me. As we packed out things and left for the manor I had a pit I my stomach that sunk. I could see it on Draco's face just as clearly. Pansy and Theo looked all to similar.

What felt like a future plan was now in front of us and no one was ready.

"The time has neared." Voldemort said at the head of the table. "It is not everyday we welcome fresh new bloods into our circle but these are the finest candidates I've seen in sometime. Perhaps even more promising than you Snape."

The table chuckled and even Snape himself wore a small smile. My parents smiled but I could see they were nervous. They were sat a few seats down from me as I was sandwiched between my family and Theo's. Pansy was across from us as she was still with her family. Typically you say with your spouse but none of us had to deal with that yet.

Thought if we were getting our dark marks at the mere age of 15 years old I worried how long it was until we were asked to marry for the sake of business. I knew pansy and Draco wouldn't care; they'd get married anyways. Theo and I were a much different story but I supposed that was a problem for another day.

"We welcome them to this family we have today as not only new faces but legacy's from well established families themselves." He said smiling at us and I tried my hardest to look happy but I was screaming internally. "It is with great pleasure to call up Draco Malfoy as the first graduate if you will."

My hand shot to hit wrist and I grew extremely worried. I had expected there to be a little more warning. Draco was as stiff as a rock as I grabbed his arm and I shook him slightly and he stood right up. Pansy and I exchanged a look and we both knew deep down that we were horrified.

Draco walked around and stood next to Voldemort and I saw him get enveloped by his arms. Draco looked stiff as he was hugged and I started tapping my foot anxiously. It was uncontrollable as he stepped back and presented his arm. Voldemort put his wand to his forearm and bit my lip anxiously.

I felt a hand grab me from under the table and I knew it was Theo. He was holding my leg still and as much I wanted to scold him he was making sure we didn't look nervous. We didn't want anyone to think we didn't want this. I saw my parents holding hands under the table but their faces were calm. My mother's eyes told a very different story.

"Breathe." I heard from beside me and I looked back at Theo.

I took a deep breath and my leg stopped shaking. I felt his hand that was on my knee shift to my hands. I didn't know what had gotten into him but I didn't care. I needed someone to keep me from passing out. I saw Draco squirm and look uncomfortable as Voldemort spoke softly to him. I could see black swirls dance around his arm and I knew he was in pain.

Our parents warned us of the pain and how it was some of the worst pain they had ever felt. I could see he was fighting to stand any long and I was squeezing Theo's hand so hard I'm surprised he was still letting me. Draco collapsed and I had to look away because I couldn't take it. My parents rushed up to their feet and Pansy covered her mouth in shock. Theo sat up a bit and I felt like I could throw up.

"He will recover in time. The mark as you all know doesn't come easily." He said in a low voice. "Let him rest in the guest dormitory."

"Theodore Nott. Come along." He said almost motioning off to whoever was next as if Draco's reaction was somehow normal.

"It is my honor my lord." He said and I felt him squeeze my hand slightly before he rose.

I was still nervous for him, but my mind just went to Draco who was being carried out my Snape and my father. He looked entirely unconscious as they left with his limp body. I looked to Pansy who watched him and her worry couldn't even be hidden. Voldemort grabbed his arms and looked up at him because Theo was insanely tall compared to most people even him.

Dearly Detested • Theodore Nott •Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora