Chapter 5

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"This butterbeer is flat." Pansy complained.

"Well you carried it all the way from Hogsmead over an hour ago. Of course it's flat." I said almost laughing.

"I can run up and get you a pumpkin juice." Draco offered thought I knew he didn't want to because we had front row seats and the stands were impossibly tall and crowded.

"No it's fine, I just want this thing to be over with." She said with a huff.

It was impossibly cold and this maze trial was suppose to be over 20 minutes ago. We had a train to catch in the morning and the last thing I wanted was a long train ride after no sleep. I crossed my arms and looked around the stands.

"Looking for your boy toy?" I heard Theo ask from beside me.

"If it means I don't have to stand next to a big oaf who keeps stepping on my toes yeah maybe I am." I said giving him a nasty side eye.

"Apologies your highness. It's a little crowded." He said sarcastically.

"I'm aware." I said shaking my head knowing the stands were impossibly full. They were full at the beginning of the maze and now that we should be nearing the end it was even more packed. I was frankly surprised the stands were holding how they were.

"Do we really have to stay and watch this whole thing?" Pansy asked clearly not having fun.

"And lose out on the opportunity to see potter fail miserably? Fat chance." Draco said and he was all too much into this.

"I don't know Krumm is already out. That Hufflepuff is all that's left... he might have a shot." I said only being honest with myself because while he did have the best odds, they were better than I thought he had at the beginning.

"Wanna wager on that?" Theo asked at my side.

"I'm not gambling with you." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'll take you up on that." Draco said interjecting.

"Loser buys drinks after?" Theo suggested.

"Deal." Draco said and they shook on it.

"We are never getting to bed at this rate." I said with a huff knowing we'd surely be out all night if we ended up back at Hogsmead.

"Is it past princesses bed time?" Theo asked pushing back some of my hair and I swatted him away from me.

"Knock it off." I said trying to push him away from me.

"Quit being such a buzz kill Cori." He said just poking at me for fun but I wrestled his arms to get him off of me.

A flash of light caused my head to snap towards the field and I saw Harry and Cedric both. I heard the bands starting to play and people started to cheer. I jumped a little bit at the sudden noise but Theo grabbed my wrist and I looked back to him to yank it away but he wasn't even looking at me. I felt Draco's hand on my arm and I looked back to the field because they weren't cheering or anything, they looked mortified.

Harry was screaming something but we could hardly hear him. Cedric appeared to be knocked out or unconscious on the ground but he didn't seem to be bleeding or anything. I looked in confusion but the cheering crowd and band seemed to subside as we all noticed something was wrong.

"He's back! He's back!" Harry cried out as professors rushed to his side. "Voldemort he's back!"

My soul left my body as I heard that name and my head snapped to Draco. He had a hand on both me and Pansy and I could see he was colorless. I looked to Theo who was just watching what was going on. We knew the maze had gone on longer than it was supposed to but it's not like we could see what was going on.

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