Chapter 9

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I was hunched over in the library hovering over a book I frankly stopped reading a while ago.  Pansy was knocked out and had been for quite sometime. Our teachers had already piled on the work load and needless to say we were all feeling it. Draco seemed to be the only one with stamina and seemed to actively be studying. I was zoned out staring at the table and Theo was leaning onto one fist and his blinks were long and heavy.

I looked around and didn't see many people here at this hour but most people went to their dorms for the night. I was jealous of those people in this moment and wish I could be in bed. Us four were normally pretty proactive with studying, but today was not a great example of that. All of us were hardly doing anything with our time except trying to stay awake. I could see Hermione a few tables over, but she had hardly moved from her spot in the last hour or so.

I rubbed my face and took a deep breath before crossing my arms and sitting back. Draco looked at me briefly noticing that I had moved though he returned to his book promptly. I looked at Theo and he hadn't opened his eyes in a minute as his cheek was smushed by his fist. A smile washed over my face as I had an intrusive thought.

"Cori." My brother said in a tone that told me he was on to me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"I know what you're thinking." He said softly trying to not wake anyone.

"No you don't." I said because he didn't even know what I was thinking.

"Don't pick a fight." He said honestly sounding more tired than bothered.

"It's wide open." I said tilting my head.

"You're an idiot." He said in a soft whisper.

"You think so little of me." I said closing my book and standing up.

I placed the book in front of Theo and swiped my hand across his arm and his head hit the hard cover book and he was knocked right awake. He looked caught off guard and I just giggled as I walked away. Draco shook his head and didn't even look at either of us as he read his book. Pansy was now awake but looked like she might just go right back to sleep.

"You twat." He said getting up from the table and stomping around after me.

I walked around the corner as quickly as I could to grab a different book but he was right in my tail. I felt him try to grab my arm and I pulled it back and he only responded by snatching me from behind. I swatted my arms at him and trying to wiggle free.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked me clearly upset.

"Piss off it's a joke." I said still laughing at his expense.

"Shh!" I heard and my head snapped to see Hermione with a finger to her lips. We both scoffed and he did eventually put me down.

"Relax, it was funny." I said grabbing the book I needed as it was right in front of me.

He snatched from my hands and held it up above his head. I refused to jump and grab it and look ridiculous trying to grab a book that I very clearly couldn't. I put my hands on my hips and glared at him and he wore a smile that told me he thought he won.

"I could just kick you in the balls and this would be over." I said knowing I was being a smart ass.

"Like I said twat." He said leaning over me.

"Shh!" We heard again.

"Piss off." We both said in unison as we glared at her.

He lowered the book and hit me over the head with it. I turned to see him shoving the book towards me. I grabbed it but saw both Draco and Pansy getting up from the table and cleaning up the books. I was thankful we were done because I really didn't want to read the book I was carrying back in the first place. I put it back and grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

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