Chapter 9

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I told the police everything about what happened and who the men were.

I know that they won't do a thing and that alone made me feel trapped. Right now Rose was in trouble and I had to save her. She was all I had.

A few days after her kidnapping, the newspapers rolled in. With the large headlines saying all kinds of things.

'Actress Missing'
'Rose Dawson Kidnapped'
'Taken by a Millionaire'

And under those headlines was her beautiful face. I stopped reading newspapers after that because seeing her face was too much.

I wanted to help and save her, but where do I start? All I knew was the fact that Cal had a mansion on the opposite side of the city, but I know he left somewhere else since that's where everyone would look first.

Nightfall rolled in and my anger took hold of me. I lashed out at my workers and spent most of my days sulking in my room. I waited for some type of clue that would help me find Rose, but nothing came. Sometimes, I would fear that Cal would come and kill me, but I was strong now and I wouldn't fail saving Rose. But Rose was far more stronger than me in all ways a human can be. She was highly intelligent and so brave. I know she'll be alright, but I still missed her dearly and worried.

That was until the phone rang as I was sulking once again. I turned my head slowly and grabbed the phone. I was tired from the calls. Everytime a ring came, I would hope that the police had found something, but it would be a false alarm. I began to loose hope in this and realized that I may never see Rose again.

"Hello?" I said, emotionless.

"Mr. Bukater, we found a man who you were talking about." I recognized the voice to one of the police officer's who came by when that terrible day came.

"What?" My heart stopped to know that this could be the clue I was waiting for. "Well, who?"

"Gorge Calvert was found today in his apartment packing to leave. We have him held for questioning." He said quickly. "We need you to come down as soon as possible."

"Yes, I'll be there." I placed the phone down and jumped out of bed to drive down there as quickly as possible. All those days of sulking was over and now I can have a chance to find Rose.

I called in one of my workers, Jeff, to come in.

"Jeff, grab my coat." I said and watched him leave with a strange face. I ignored such a thing since I was too excited to finally get something to help me find Rose.

The city was lit up and matched the few stars that shined. It was the few times I saw the city at night and I felt a huge relief that soon I can have her back. As long as Gorge was willing to talk.

I came up to the station and ran inside. It was empty with only a small lamp on and a police officer writing some things down.

"I'm here to see a Gorge Calvert in questioning." I said quickly and he nodded.

"You're Jack Bukater." He asked and I nodded quickly.

Fallowing him, he lead down a hallway and into a room with a table and some chairs. A man in a suit was seated across from Gorge who had handcuffs on. The room was bright and it hurt my eyes. Gorge looked like a nervous wreck with widened eyes, messy hair, and shook insanely.

I sat next to the investigater and gave Gorge an angry look. I had to fight myself to not punch him. The scars on my hands and my bandaged nose was already enough to let out my anger.

"Gorge, you know Jack." The man said and Gorge had his eyes on me while nodding. It was a stare off and I wanted to do something about it.

"Gorge, do you know about where Rose is?" The man pulled out a pen and placed it on top of a paper, waiting for Gorge's answer.

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