"I love you so much. . .please be mine?"

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~Author's Voice~

The next day Liam stopped by Sophia's house, butterflies fluttering around in his stomach, as he walked up the steps to her two story house.

Knock Knock Knock

The door opens, but to his horror he was met with a tan muscular guy, in nothing but blue polka dotted boxers, lifting what seemed to be very heavy weights. Liam was shocked to find a half naked man at his girlfriend's house, and although he wanted to strangle the guy with his bear hands, he remained as calm as he could.

"Um. . .excuse me?" He coughed nervously, trying not to stare awkwardly.

"Vat. . .Vat is it? Vat is it you vant?! I try to make muscle bigger." When he spoke it was evident in his voice that he was Russian or at the very least Bulgarian. (Imagine Gru's voice from Despicable Me).

"Oh. . .um. .sorry. .I was just looking for someone but I think I have the wrong address. I'll be off now." He turned around slowly and started walking in the opposite direction.

"No, you have right address. You looking for zie lady Sophia right?" The man's voice stopped him in his tracks. Liam nodded hesitantly.

"Sie is paying her respect. Now go I am very busy." With that he abruptly closes the door, startling Liam. The brunette knew exactly what the male model was talking about, so with a speedy pace he ran to his car and began driving.

After about ten minutes of driving he reached his destination. He quickly got out the car and ran across the grassy meadow and to the top of the giant hill. At the top he could see a small figure crouching down in front of a familiar headstone. Running down the slope, he called out to her.

Sophia mutters something to the head stone and turns her head in Liam's direction. "Liam babe, what are you doing here?" He was trying to catch his breath as he held onto Sophia's shoulders for support.

Once he was fine he continued, "This weird half naked guy with a foreign accent at your house said you were paying your respects and this was the only place that seemed to fit that." Sophia giggled a bit.

"Liam that's Fabio. He's my Russian cousin on my dad's side of the family. You should know that since I've mentioned him loads of time before." As soon as she explained it everything was clear to Liam.

An embarrassing cough leaves his throat as he went on to the next subject, "So. . .?" he gesture for her to continue.

"Yesterday I realized how much you truly cared about her. I wanted to pay my respects to her, but it wasn't appropriate at the time. So I got here early, told her she was a lucky girl to have found you, prayed to her, and promised her something." She looked back at the head stone that read:

'Here Lies Danielle Claire Peazer'

A Loving Friend, Daughter, Sister

May She Find Peace In The Heavens Above

And Watch Over Us As The Beautiful Angel She Is

"What was it?" She shook her head placing a finger on her lips.

"I've already said everything I wanted to say. I hope she's in a better place. A kind soul like hers is rare to come by." He smiled brightly, a small tear dropping from the rim of his eyes and onto the soil that covered Danielle. A few seconds after there was this overwhelming feeling inside of Liam, and then it was gone. It was like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He wiped the tears from his face and sighed deeply before taking a deep breath as he turned to face Sophia.

Liam missed Danielle, he missed kissing her, having her in his arms, being with her. They were truly the perfect couple, but all good things must come to an end eventually. Liam never displeased Danielle, always fulfilling her needs even when she didn't want him to. There was one time where Danielle got on his case about doing everything for her, of course he tried to obey her commands, but Liam couldn't help but spoil her with flowers, serenading her, and doing everything he possibly could to make her happy.

"Ready to go?" He said, giving her a weak smile. She nodded softly. They knotted their hands together and began walking away from the head stone, and towards the car. Though Liam couldn't help but take another look back at the headstone, and what he saw made his heart fall but flutter. There sitting on the headstone with her legs crossed was Danielle's ghost, waving at Liam, blowing a kiss, and mouthing an 'I love you' to him.

Liam smiled brightly, and in seconds she was gone. He turned his head to the front where he saw Sophia smiling. "What did you say to her when you were alone?" he questioned curiously.

She grinned, "I promised her that I would look out for you, and in return she'd look out for the both of us." Liam hugged Sophia embracing her in his warmth. "She wouldn't want you to go through that unbearable pain again. She wants you to be happy." His lips then brushed against hers in a long and sweet kiss.

"I love you so much. . .please be mine?" He swiftly pulled away and grabbed a lilac colored box from his back pocket. He got on one knee and looked up at Sophia.

"Liam. . ." She gasps surprisingly, her hand moving to cover her mouth.

"It's not an engagement ring, but it is a promise ring. Can you promise me one thing?"

"What?" She mumbled softly.

"Can you promise me that our love is forever. That you'll love me no matter what?" He opens the box revealing a beautiful sterling silver diamond ring resembling a crown. His brown eyes gaze deeply into hers, awaiting her most hopeful reply. She looks at the ring in amazement.

"Liam I promise you that no matter what happens I will always love you. With or without the ring, our profound bond will remain strong. I love you Liam James Payne. All of you, everything about you, and everything else that makes up the beautiful being kneeling before me." Liam stands up, grabbing Sophia and kissing her ever so gently, cupping her delicate face with one hand and holding her waist with the other.

"I will never take this off, and when the time comes I will switch it from my right hand to my left hand, where the ring finger lies." She takes the ring and puts it on slowly. "It's beautiful Liam. I love it." Taking the other ring that was behind the first ring, "Now can you promise me something?"


"Can you promise me that you will never leave me? Even if there are gorgeous women out there, can you promise me your loyalty to me?" Liam could sense the seriousness in her eyes.

"I will never leave you, for anyone or anything. No other women will capture my eyes the way that you do. You are by far the finest and most beautiful being to ever walk this earth. Like an angel sent to protect me."

Sophia smiled and looked at Liam lovingly as she gently placed her hand on his cheek, caressing it softy.

"I want to be by your side until the end of time." Liam gently caresses her cheek. She smiles and places the ring on his finger. They both beam in happiness before crashing their lips together once more. Once they pulled apart they grabbed each others hand and continued to walk up the hill, the sun setting behind them.

I'm All That You Need (Ziall, Sophiam) AUWhere stories live. Discover now