"Well maybe with Snoop Dog. . .or Big Sean. . . ."

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~Niall's POV~

"Equilibrium price and quantity are determined by the intersection of supply and demand. A change in supply, and. . . ." My Economics teacher Mr. Cannon droned on and on about the importance of Economics and its vitality in today's society.

Ugh when is this class going to end?! I just want to get out of here and head to Zayn's flat, for some quality time.

"So when there is a shift in equilibrium the supply and dem-" The bell rang signaling class was over. Yes finally! I'm out of this hell hole!

"Study the rise and fall of the market from the year 2001, we will be having a quiz on this Thursday." He shouts over the loud chattering of students, scrambling to leave the classroom with much haste. I weave my way through the massive crowd out in the hallway until I reached my locker, located in the South Hall.

"Horan my man!" A voice calls out as I open the mint colored locker. I knew that voice anywhere.

"Olly! How's it going man?" I hug him for a couple seconds before we pulled away. "So is it true?" I raised my brow at him. "Are you and Zayn a thing now?" Olly seemed overly excited about the whole thing. Alas I was too because the reminder of me, Niall Horan, dating THE Zayn Malik was like a dream come true. This is usually the part where I wake up from my dream and realize Zayn and I are just distant friends.

"Hello? Niall?" I snap back to reality as I stared at him. "Yeah it is." I smiled at my words. Olly's smile widens immensely and it almost scared me for a second.

"I'm so happy for you man! My best mate going out with the love of his life!" He beams, pulling me in for a bone crushing hug. A blush forms on my face as I smiled awkwardly.

"Love of his life huh?" A voice from behind speaks up. Breaking out of Olly's grip I turned around and saw Zayn, leaning against the lockers with a smirk visible on his face. A nervous cough leaves my lips.

"Ah Zen h-how long you been standing there?" Olly had his arm slung around my neck. "Long enough." His smirk grew.

"Well I'm going to leave you two alone. Zayn you're a lucky man!" He pats me on the back before pushing me towards Zayn, who caught me in his arms.

"Take care of Ni okay? He's really sensitive." He lightly pats Zayn's shoulder.

"Murs! Beat it!" I whisper-yell at him. He chuckles, nodding his head before walking away. It was now just Zayn and I, and I'm still cradled in his arms. Mmm. . .he is so warm. I could stay like this forever.

"Zen" he hums in response, rocking me back and forth. "W-we should go-o." He hesitates before releasing his grip on me. "After this." He connects our lips together as he pushes me against the lockers, a moan escaping my lips as his soft hands gently cupped my face. Am I ever going to get used to his gentle touches. .his warm embrace. .and overall just Zayn himself.

"Haha gaytards!" A few voices from behind call out, making Zayn and I pull apart. I hear Zayn mumble profanities under his breath as he stood in front of me with his arms stretched out protectively.

"Aw look it's the gay faggots of One Direction!" Ariana's icy voice rings through the halls. Her arm was stretched out, pointing in our direction as a dark chuckle left her mouth. A growl erupted within Zayn. "Fuck off Grande! You shouldn't be talking!" He spat, clenching his fists instinctively. He turned around to face me, his chocolate brown eyes assuring me that everything was going to be fine

"Hey! Don't talk to my girl like that! She's just stating the truth." Smith spoke up, defending Grande as he placed his arm around her neck.

Zayn presses his lips together firmly, turning his attention to the ground before hesitantly turning around as his dark chocolate eyes locked with Jaden's light cobalt ones. Zayn's figure towering over Jaden's small one. Smith had a look of amusement on his face, a smug smirk across his lips. "YOU.NEED.TO.LEAVE.NOW." Zayn growled through his clenched teeth. Jaden released his grip on Grande and stepped closer towards the raven-haired boy.

I'm All That You Need (Ziall, Sophiam) AUWhere stories live. Discover now