Beeeeeeep. . . . . . .

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~Destiney's POV~

I watch as Mellisa brutally snaps the bitch's arm in half.  Fuck yeah! Get her Mel!  She walks over towards Louis, who wraps his arms around her protectively.  Suddenly I feel a vibrating in my back pocket as 'What hurts the most' by Rascal Flatts begins playing breaking the looming silence.

Well shit. . .I knew I should've gone with the Mariah Carey ringtone instead. Yeah great timing that ringtone!

I pull the phone from my back pocket and placed it against my ear.

All I heard was crying followed by a shrill squeal. I wince at the screeching sound, pulling the phone away from my ear momentarily. "Zayn? What's wrong?" I ask growing more worried about Niall with each second passing by.

I heard coughing, then it got quiet. . ."Zen?" I said as my voice cracked a bit, which wasn't a good sign. No answer. . .I called his name again. . .the only thing that was audible was the shuffling of static and the myriad of voices all talking at the same time. It was hard to hear anything. . .once more I tried. . .and then the line went dead. Zayn? I said through the phone before turning my head to face Mellisa.

"Des? What's-" "Something's wrong." I cut her off before she could finish. Her expression went from being pissed off to being completely scared. "We need to go. Now."

~Zayn's POV~

I was in the waiting room on the second floor, my fingers entangled in my mess of a hair, but I didn't care at this point. There I was, sitting in those uncomfortable, stained navy blue chairs, my mind playing the events that just occurred on loop. I couldn't stop myself, I felt a few tears cascade down my cheek as I curled my lips in an effort to stop the tears, but I think it just made it worse. The scarring image of Niall lying helpless on the cold ground was permanently etched into my brain. I replayed the moments from before in my head.

"Niall. ." I choked out as I grabbed his free hand that didn't have wires attached. It was ice cold, his hands. . .they were as cold as snow. "Please. . ." I mumbled, closing my eyes as I lifted my head towards the ominous, dark clouds.

"Take me instead.  ."

Then that's when things took a turn for the worse.

I heard rapid beeping, "I need an IRO needle stat!" One of the paramedics yelled. One woman, with hair as black as cobalt, grabbed his forearm and hastily ran a dampened cloth over the skin before another woman took a syringe and injected him with a clear liquid.

"He's losing blood!" one of the paramedics yell out. They put one of those breathing masks over his face and my heart broke a bit at the sight.

I felt a slight motion in my hand, I look over and see his eyes still closed. All I can do is just sit, hold his hand, and pray that he'll be okay. Please. . .let him be okay.
"ZEN. . .Zen!" I'm instantly brought back to reality, as I wipe the semi dry tears from the brim of my eyes. I look up and see Destiney, Mellisa, and everybody else with worried expressions on their faces. I weakly stood up, instantly feeling dizzy from all the crying.

"Hey it's going to be alright. . ." Des says reassuringly. A faint smile was all I could muster up, since everything was falling apart there is no reason to smile or be happy for that matter.

Suddenly I hear loud voices and several doctors speeding down the hall in haste.

Please don't turn left. . .please don't turn left. . .I mutter to myself as hope was quickly dissipating from me. Panic quickly evolves into fear as they head into the too familiar room.

No. . .my whole world was crashing down on me and suddenly everything was in slow motion. My feet react before my mind could as I hastily ran towards the room, not knowing what was going to happen anymore. I was scared. . .scared of facing reality. All I wanted to do was to punch a wall, punch it repeatedly until my knuckles were covered in blood and potential bruises. When I get my hands on that bitch she will pay. . .even of I end up in prison. . .she will atone for her sins. May she rot in the coldest part of hell where she'll beg for her life, but nobody will come to her aide because she's in hell. All there will be for her is the constant jabbing of the pitchfork through her lifeless body in a constant and endless loop. Death will be too kind for her. She will suffer in the most excruciating way possible. Not even Sam or Dean will want to get involved.

I run into his room and see a massive load of doctors scattered around the room and around the hospital bed that holds all hope for happiness. "He's not waking up!" One doctor with glasses shouted from across the room. Another doctor rests their two fingers on Niall's neck before shouting out to the other doctor, "There 's no pulse! We need to execute 247 Alpha Charlie! Now!"

I-I didn't know what they were talking about and in my heart I feared the worst, that I would never feel Niall's arms around me, that I would never hear his contagious laugh again.

NO! Zayn shut the fuck up and keep your hopes up! I hear Niall's faint voice rain upon me. "Just be happy. . ." The angelic voice whispered. More tears were falling from the brim of my eyes. No! I can't lose you not now! I refuse to let you go!

Suddenly, there are a bunch of beeping noises as I see one doctor with defibrillators. "Clear!" He says before he presses the shock buds against Niall's lifeless body. No response. He rubs the two charges again and presses even harder against the beautiful pale body. No response. Then the most heartbreaking noise fills the room.

Beeeeeeep. . . . . . .

I hear a murmur of voices as the doctors turn their attention towards me. I let my feet run towards the now lifeless body and I break down, as I held his cold hands in mine desperately. "No. . ." my voice above a whisper. I crashed my head into his chest, wishing this was all a dream, that I would wake up in the next few seconds with Niall's arms holding onto me while he sleeps away.


Necy what do you think happened?

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