Chapter 3: Arms behind my back

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Chapter 3: arms behind my back

Alyx's P.O.V

All rights reserved.

I backed into the window as he stalked towards me, his mouth turned into a snarl which revealed four sharp canines, ready to bite.

And I lost it. Dropping to the floor, I hugged my knees and sobbed, begging.

"PLEASE DON'T!! PLEASE DON'T!! I'LL DO ANYTHING,ANYTHING BUT THAT!! ANYTHING BUT-" his hands grabbed my shoulders, making me scream louder. I will not let him do it. I will fight. I won't create a child like this-

"What do you think I'm going to do." He growled. I went silent. I would only make him angrier.

"TELL. ME. NOW." My hands covered my face as my body shook in fear, tears pouring from under my eyelids.

" Y-Your eyes were black... And I thought-" He cut me off, his voice low and horrifyingly even.

"I would never do that to someone. EVER. The fact that you think I would rape my own MATE sickens me. My eyes were black out of ANGER." Even after he had just told me, I let out a sigh of relief. Out of anger. It was out of anger.

"Now turn around." I looked up at him in confusion, but his face was like stone.

"Did I stutter?" Pulling me onto my feet, he forcefully made me face the wall. His fingers slowly pulled up the hem of my shirt until it was all the way over my head, with me hoping his words were the truth.

He growled angrily, tracing one of the many scars across my back.

"Who did this."



So I told him.

"W-whenever a wolf finds me pretty... they ask for permission to 'claim' me. O-once they get it-" I glanced at Alpha Rollayne to see him shaking as I reluctantly continued.

" They take me to their room, and do what they want with me, touch me, taste me... But not going all the way. And... And then they write their initials...wherever they want." Snarling, he nearly spat his next words out through gritted teeth.

"They're not all on your back."


"Where is the worst one. Show it to me NOW." Shuddering, I turned so my right side was facing him.

And I lifted my arm.

He growled, tracing the initials E.R. on the side of my breast.

"No wonder you thought...Shit." He backed away from me, revolted as his hands shook, clenching and un-clenching.

"If I ever meet one of those sick bastards, goddess help them..." He was trembling again, fingers turning into claws.

"Males...harm...Mate..." His eyes were flickering from silver to black to gold, then back to silver again, fingers were morphing back and forth to claws, and he hunched over in pain, backing away from me even further, almost running into the wall. He stayed in that position, still trembling and hugging his stomach and taking deep ragged breaths. Cautiously, I made my way to his figure.

"It's fi-"

"Don't fucking say it's fucking fine, some c#nts out there hurt you. Touched you. And no one touches what's MINE." I placed my hand on his shoulder to calm him down, but instead he pulled me to him, burying his head into the conjunction of my neck and shoulder.

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