Chapter 5- A New, "Addition"

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~~~~~(Kai's POV)~~~~~

I smiled as Lloyd leaned against me, setting his head on my shoulder. His cold body soothed me.

"Kai?" He spoke, his voice soft and gentle. "Yea?" I replied with a smile.

"I want to have a child..." He started to get embarrassed and looked down.

"What?" I my voice echoed in my mind.

"A child. I want a child." He continued, clenching his fist in frustration. I placed two fingers on the bottom of his chin and tilted his head up so our eyes could meet.

"Fine." I whined with a wider. "Then let's go!" Lloyd giggled, unsuggling from me and standing up. "I wanna get a baby now!" He then ran out of the room and over to the edge of the bounty. Even though we where in the air, he would find a way to get down.

His blonde hair ruffled in the wind as I walked out after him, his green jacket on my shoulder as my hands were stuffed into my jean's pockets.

He turned around and grabbed his jacket, slipping it on quickly. "A little help?" He questioned, glancing at the city below. I huffed a sigh and nodded.

Climbing over the side's railing, I grabbed Lloyd's hand and helped him over it as well. He stood shakily as I stepped closer, not bothered by the height for some reason.

I jumped, unexpectedly, making Lloyd jump in startlement. He then follow me.

It seemed weird of how long it was taking to get down there. Lloyd interrupted my thought with a tight hug. His eyes were closed and he was trembling slightly.

'Wait, was he cold?

No, he was afraid...'

My mind thought, as I hugged him tightly in returned as if I were staying, "it's alright!" But the words didn't seem to say their part.

Soon. We reached the ground, even though Lloyd couldn't tell-he was still hugging, burring his face into my chest. My cheeks burned lightly.

I gently grabbed his hand and whispered into his ear, "we're here..." I pulled away to see him open his eyes wide. His head didn't move at all. He just stared at the apartment that let to the place he had wanted to go.

"Let's do this..." He mumbled, clenching my hand and walked to the place, pushing open the oak wood door.

Kids giggled as they ran around the place. Some of them were actually asleep. To my surprisement, there was baby's in a different room!

"Hello, young men." A lady's voice echoed from the kitchen. She then peered out to show her face. Her skin was the color of caramel, her black hair was in a messy ponytail, and her outfit was unmatched and awkward.

"H-Hello..." Lloyd stuttered, slightly elbowing me in the side.

"Hello, Ma'am." I spoke in a kind mumble to myself. Lloyd glared at me.

"So, what are you here for? Babies or children?" She quickly said, making us think for a moment to compute.

"A baby!" Lloyd squealed like a little girl. The woman nodded. "I'm Hannah by the way." She then walked out, holding her hand in front of us. I took her hand and shook it in a mannerly way.

After that, she pulled her hand away and smiled, "right this way..." She lead us to another giant room. Cradles lined one side of the room as two babies where still awake. One looked actually like Hannah and the other with orange hair, freckles lined under her eyes, the baby's skin was pale. Almost as pale as Lloyd's.

"There's more!" Lloyd continued his, "squealing".

Lots of the babies were either asleep fully or half asleep, and half awake still. We continued to look at each one.

One with white hair-girl. One with red hair-boy. One with brown hair-boy. One with blonde hair- girl.

We then came to the last one. She was at the end. The little one caught my eyes. A blonde haired girl with slight bits of brown streaks in her hair. Her eyes mixed with the color of green and gold... "Lloyd...." I mumbled, keeping my eyes on the baby as if I couldn't take my eyes off the sleeping human, "I want her..."

He looked at me. "R-really?" He then raised an eyebrow and nodded, "alright then..." As he looked at Hannah and smiled, "how much is it for her?"

Hannah frowned. "She's really sick. If you have enough treatments to keep her alive then... $500."

Lloyd's eyes widened at the cost then sighed, "fine." He reached for my pocket which had my wallet in there.

Talking it, he handed the woman my credit card and she nodded-walking away with it and returning 1 minute later.

"Would you like to take her cradle?" She kindly asked. Lloyd smiled and nodded, "how much for that?" He asked in return.

"For free." She replied with a generous smile.

I gently picked up the sleeping baby and smile at the both of them. Holding her in my warm arms.

"We have a baby! We have a baby!" Lloyd chanted quietly to himself as I handed him the child and turned around to get the cradle.

We finally left.

As I placed the cradle on the floor, I pulled out my phone to call Nya to pick us up. She immediately answered her rage welt in her voice, "where have you been?! We've been so worried! Where's Lloyd?!" She shrieked angrily at me.

"First. We were at the adoption cente-"

"Adoption center?!" She yelled, "why?! Kai?! Did you get a girlfriend or something?!" She continued asking all these questions.

I sighed and continuing answering all her questions, "second. Lloyd's with me. He's the one who wanted to go there!" Lloyd gabbed me in the side and frowned.

"Wait, Lloyd's got a girlfriend?!"

I chuckled happily at her nervousness. "No. well, if you count me as a girl then... Yes." He shrugged and continued to laugh.

"Now pick us up. We gotten a child..."


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