Chapter 12- New Person?!

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~(Lloyd's POV)~

I mumbled under my breath while running, soft huffs of air blew heavily from my chest, which hurt really badly.
Kai was behind me, holding Karia. Which he choose to do.
We need to tell the others.... Was all I could think of.
We need to tell the others....

"Lloyd watch it!" He shouted loudly, right before I smashed right into another person, which he went stumbling sideways while I went backwards. Falling really hard onto my back.

There was a soft whine in pain, from both of us, the stranger's was louder. I sat up and rubbed my head to open my eyes to a boy about my age, on his hands and knees, mostly on top of me, his face in mine.

Suddenly his cheeks burned to a bright pink before he sat back, rubbing them, hoping his blush would go away.

Soon Kai caught up with me, himself was heavily breathing with Karia somehow sleeping calmly in his arms.

The boy finally spoke, "I'm s-sorry.... I didn't s-see you...." He whimpered, looking down, his cheeks had turned more dark because of the fact he talked to me.... Probably.....

"It's mostly my fault...." I kindly said in return, as he stood up and held out a hand to help me up.
I took it.
His face went darker as he quickly pulled me up, "uh.... I h-have to go...."
With that he turned around, taking off down the road.
A note fluttered to the ground, with his name, phone number, and address.
The words
'Lloyd only, please come to address'

I stared silently before picking it up and shoving it in my pocket.

Why not? I should.... But should I bring Kai just in case....?
I shook my head and looked at him, he had a stern look on his face, his lips had turned to a full frown.
"Let's go.... Without running...." He slowly spoke.
I nodded.

We nearly burst through the door. Half out of breath and scaring the crap out of the others. Which Jay fell off the couch and onto the floor.

I held back my laughter as Kai spoke loudly, "someone has framed us and made us the bad guys. Police are looking for us...."

I quickly glanced at him.
He looked at me with a smart look across his lips.
I felt like smacking him when he did that.

"W-wait.... W-what?!" Jay shouted as Zane softly hushed him, "there's no reason for you to scream...." He whispered, "if people are looking for us. We should stay quiet...."
"Zane's right..." Cole finally said himself, "we should stay low."
We all nodded in agreement.

As I walked to my old room, alone, I pulled out the paper, finally noticing it had a time written on the back of it.

12:45 sharp.

I swallowed dryly, looking up at my clock centered on the desk to see the time, 12:30.

My mind raced as I looked around, finding no exit I could use to leave without them noticing...
Maybe someone else's window....? My mind raced for answers.

As I darted to the hallway, I bumped into Zane who looked down a bit confused.
"Lloyd? What's wrong? Do you need Kai?" He asked in a soft tone.
I shook my head in response. "No. I need to go somewhe--" I cut myself off, noticing that I had been telling him my plan.
He titled his head.
My face went pale, "look. I need to go somewhere. Can I leave.... Just don't tell the others...." I begged innocently.
He sighed himself and nodded, "I guess so. Just be back at 5:00 for dinner...."

I walked the sidewalk leading to the address that I was given. I don't know this kid. He's probably a flipping pervert for all I know.... Yet... He looks my age....

I swallowed dryly and sighed, running my hand through my hair and messing it up quite badly. I had no idea what I would have gotten myself into, but, I knew I should figure a way out of it too.

"H-Hey! Are you L-Lloyd?"
I quickly turned around to see the boy standing there. Wearing a new clothing of a oversized hoodie and ripped jeans.
I swallowed.
Damn. I wasn't able to think. How long has he been standing there?
"How long have you been watching me?" I blurted out, then covered my mouth.
His smile grew, "not long. I was looking for you actually, then I noticed you were next to me....!" He let a soft laugh.

I eased up a bit.
Good. He doesn't seem bad... I thought.
"So...." His voice when down to a whisper as he glanced around, "would you like to come into the house?" He questioned kindly.
I shrugged, "why not"
"Great!" He shouted then covered his own mouth, blushing in embarrassment.
I softly laughed.

As we walked up the steps to his house, which was huge, he kept giving me nervous glances with redness on his cheeks.
"Something bothering you....?" I finally asked, breaking the tension and breaking the silence.
He jumped, turned to me again and shook his head, "nope...." His voice squeaked.

When we finally got to the door, he opened in for me. I nodded and stepped inside. Feeling a hand softly brush against my back. When I turned, he was closing the door.

"By the way. I never gave you my name...." He brightly smiled, holding out a hand, "the name is Lukas."
I took his hand and his eyes widened in shock, unbelieving that I actually touched him, "it's nice to meet you, Lukas," I kindly said, "My name is Lloy-"

Suddenly. He grabbed my hand and pushed me against the wall with a thud, I groaned softly, trying to move.
I couldn't.
Lukas leaned closer, whispering into my ear, "I know that, Lloyd" he let a slightly evil laugh escape that seemed to echo for me. "And guess what?" He continued. His voice a low hiss, "you'll be staying here for a.... While...."

((Hello everyone! I just want to say, enjoy! Please comment what you think should happen next! Maybe if you lucky (which I'll probably raffle out) , I might use your idea! Or maybe not. I have some things I might use for it. Maybe I don't. :3 make sure to vote and comment what you think should happen next!!!

~Jordyn Garmadon))

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