Chapter 17- Gone Gone Gone....

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~(Lloyd's POV)~

My eyes widen, he held a small box in his hand, which held a small, golden ring....

My voice cracked as I spoke slowly, "y-yes.... K-Kai.... I w-will...."

He smiled happily before standing up and quickly hugging me, a bit tightly actually.

I felt as though he was crying, so suddenly my eyes started to water as I burst into tears.

They weren't tears that showed how sad, or scared I was happy....

"Lloyd.... I'm so glad...." He was slightly laughing under his tears, now loosing his grip, "I'm so glad you said yes...."

"Daddy and mommy are getting married....!" I heard a little voice say, Karia.

I peeked my head over Kai's hunched shoulder and questioned softly, "who is mommy?"

She pointed to me.

Oh god...

I heard Kai laugh at both my reaction and her answer.

I glared at him, "be quiet, your the dad...."

He smiled at me, "I'm glad, cause I'm a male...."

I tried to hide my blush of embarrassment as I glanced away.

Something immediately caught my eyes, a figure who stood at the window, he looked familiar.... Like that guy we saw.... Ronny....? Robin? ((this is what it came out as. XD)) wait. No! Ronin! It was that guy who had mentioned about Karia being the ninja of water....or at least having the element....

I swallowed dryly, my eyes still on him as he stared back, he wore all black, his eyes covered.

There was another figures around him, one looked like a boy about my age, black hair, yet looked nearly invisible. That made my blood run cold. He stared blankly at me, his expression looked amazed. He barely came up to Ronin's shoulders for his height.

"Kai...." I whispered, trying to limit my amount of movement in my lips so they didn't see me.

He tilted his head, "yeah?"

"Look to your right. Quickly.... Ronin is here... Along with other people an a boy."

Suddenly the boy reached up to the window, placing his hands on the glass. Staring more in amazement still.

'Weirdo....' I thought. Looking at Kai, who stared at the boy as well.

"I'll take care of them...." He murmured, backing away and going towards the door.

Yet he stopped in his trail to grab his sword, holding it tightly in his hand as he walked out.

I glanced at Jordyn who was trying not to look at them, just keeping her eyes on Karia, still in Jordyn's arms.

I let a sigh as I started out to follow Kai, noticing him walk out and towards them.

The boy, which was very small in height to Kai, suddenly...


'Uh..... What the hell?'

Kai then stumbled back, his eyes widen as he then growled. Starting shouting at Ronin and got his sword readied.

I swallowed dryly; then started to scurry out to them, "Ronin, what are you doing here!?" I shouted at him.

Ronin grinned, the men in the back, raised their swords at Kai and I.

I stopped in my tracks, my eyes wide.

"Oh, why hello Lloyd.... I'm surprised you remember me...." Ronin spoke, his grin widened.

Suddenly Kai started to chuckle in a dark way. A black mixed with green like aura slowly surrounded him.

"So your name is Lloyd?" His voice spoke, it wasn't Kai.....

"Y-yes...." I said, slowly.

I felt a smirk appear across his face, "that's a nice name.... For a cute boy...." He chuckled again.

My face started to burn in embarrassment, "shut up, who ever you are...." I let a small growl.

"Hm.... So you want to know my name....?"

He suddenly turned, facing me. Still looking like Kai. Just his eyes were pure black, his hair had somehow quickly turned darker, near to a black, and his skin was tinted to a small pale green.

"My name.... Is Morro.... And I'm supposed to be titled the Green Ninja...." There was a small growl, "not... You....."

And suddenly.... Kai dropped.

And the boy appeared... Yet he looked sad, about to cry....

I swallowed, 'his name is Morro? That sounds familiar....'

"Yes indeed, it does...." His eyes narrowed onto me, his expression changed. But the thing that creeped me out was the fact, he answered the question I was thinking.... I hadn't said anything.

Kai winced slightly and tried to push himself up, yet cough and dropped again.

I heard a door slam shut as I turned to see an entire group of ninja.

Yet I turned just in time to hear, "Lloyd.... W-watch out....." The voice was from Kai....

And suddenly everything went black....

~(Jordyn's POV)~

I had just stepped out of the amazing building to see a weird scene go on. Kai was on the floor, probably out cold, and a boy who looked young as me, darting and jumping at Lloyd.

Then he disappeared.

And Lloyd's body changed entirely.... He then dropped to his knees and screamed loudly; a way that made my blood run cold..... He then grabbed at the sides of his head, and trembling.....

((Hello, everyone. Sorry for this being a short chapter. Just wanting to get it out there! Although, I'm just wanting to leave it at a slight cliff hanger.....

Anyways. Guys hope you enjoyed....!

~Jordyn Garmadon))

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