Lego Ninjago

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I am the biggest Ninjago fan you couldn't believe it! I knew each episode by heart, each character's name and backstories, all season it was rather crazy.

But my best friend Walker didn't know about it which pissed me off when he told me, Like dude?! you? you are the biggest nerd I know! yet you don't know Ninjago?!

so for a whole week, I went on about how I'd put Walker through everything the movies, all 3 shows, and specials until he gave in with an annoyance.

I smiled at him hugged him tightly and ran home that day to my room grabbing my laptop finding the movie then the series in order then the Lego Ninjago movie with Jackie Chan and then the second show,  and Dragon Rising. I

I got the colored-themed snacks and my cosplay as Sora the element master of tech she had pink hair and wore cat headphones and a gold arm when I heard the door ring I rushed down and opened it for Walker I said "Don't put off what could be today for tomorrow" stroking my non-exiting bread "What was that?'' he asked laughing making me gasp! "MASTER WU!!" I said in complete shock.

"who?" he said with a teasing smile "Kai? Lloyd? Cole? Jay? Nya? Zane? Pixal?'' I said trying to see if he knew any of them "Pixal? is that like a robot or something" he said which I gasped so hard almost fainting. that he kinda lunged at me trying to make sure I wouldn't fall but I was being dramatic.

I was over it I pulled him into the room and pushed him onto the couch "Are you ready to not leave this couch for a whole week?'' I asked him "Wait a week?'' he complained and I jumped right next to him grabbing the snacks and drinks.

I put on each one at a time after a couple of hours we had made it to the season with Pixal, Zane's love interest who was a Nindroid like Zane and I saw Walker tear up at the end of the season, where Zane destroys himself for everyone fighting the overlord.

Then we made it to the season about Cole becoming a ghost and Nya becoming the water ninja, Lloyd getting controlled by the wind ninja Morrow who died. I loved that season so much and I was saying each line and he looked at me like I was crazier than him when it came to Deadpool.

I saw Walker's face and he was completely into the show somethings I caught him at the edge of his seat and he would ask me so many questions when the next episode would come on. It was cute seeing all the emotion on his face.

he found out Jay's last name was his name, Walker! and that he ended up with Nya and gave me a face "So that's why you call me, mister lightning boy?'' he said finally realizing all the quotes I'd done.

we watched the shows every day for a week and I noticed one day he was listening to the weekend wipe and I was so happy! 

I knew he would like it but was worried he would, it was time to watch the Ninjago movie but he had a long day at school that he fell asleep next to me, and when I went to get up to grab and blanket his head fell onto my lap making shivers go down my back. 

he moved closer to me and used my lap as a pillow and it turns out the sleepy head had a blanket wrapped around him, I continued to watch the movie as I played with his hair which filled me with happiness and joy.

Ninjago brought me so much closer to Walker than I could ever imagine and it was the greatest thing I could have asked for.  

A/n: I am sorry I thought this would be kinda cute I love Ninjago so much sooooo

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