Texting with a boy I never thought who would care

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As I was walking down the street, a boy suddenly ran up to me with his face all red, curly blonde hair in his face, and his piercing ocean blue eyes cutting through mine. It was quite unusual for me to give my number to someone I barely knew, but something about him caught my attention, and I decided to take a chance. "I'm Walker, by the way! I just saw you walk by and thought... I..." he said, slightly out of breath.

Later that night, my phone rang with an unknown number, and I was hesitant to answer it. But then I received a text that said "Walker," and I realized it was him. We started texting and getting to know each other, and I was surprised to find out that we liked the same things and had similar opinions about various topics.

After a month of talking, he started sending me heart emojis.

"That's cute❤"

"I think that's Amazing 😘"

"NOO, don't act cute now 🥰"

and I must admit, I was a bit taken aback. I had never experienced anything like this before, and I wasn't sure how to react. However, I decided to give him a chance and agreed to a FaceTime call. As we talked, I began to notice how cute he was, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I had seen him before.

"I mean, that's crazy!" he exclaimed when I pointed out that he resembled the kid from the new Percy Jackson show. I gave him a reassuring smile and told him that it was just a passing thought. "If you were, I would wonder why you would be talking to me, of all people," I replied, feeling a little self-conscious. He quickly dismissed my concerns by saying, "I mean, I wouldn't see how he could- he wouldn't! You're amazing!" His words made me feel a little giddy, and I couldn't help but blush.

As we continued to talk, he suggested that we meet up since he was in town. I hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed. We continued to text throughout the night, and he sent me more hearts, which made me feel butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't help but feel excited about the possibility of meeting him in person.

I remember the day vividly, as if it was yesterday. It was the day I was supposed to meet Walker, I was anxious and excited at the same time. We had agreed to meet at a specific location, and I was there early, waiting patiently for him to arrive.

As I waited, I saw a guy approaching me wearing a green jacket and jeans. I couldn't believe my eyes when I realized he was! Walker Scobell. My heart raced, and my mind went blank. I had always admired him from afar, but I never thought I would meet him in person.

He came up to me and started explaining that he had wanted to tell me something, but he was afraid I would hate him for not telling me sooner. My mind raced with all sorts of thoughts, and I had no idea what he was trying to tell me. He then went on to say that the last time we had met in person, he had seen me and wanted to get to know me better. Unfortunately, he had to leave because we lived in different locations.

As he spoke, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. I couldn't hear everything he was saying because my thoughts were jumbled. But then, to my surprise, I heard him say, "I really like you." I was taken aback. Did he just confess his feelings for me? I didn't know what to say or do. All I could do was stand there, stunned, trying to process everything that was happening.

He interrupted my thoughts with a wave of his hand, bringing me back to the present moment. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice hesitant. "I know this is happening fast, but would you be interested in going on a date with me?" My heart skipped a beat as I froze, lost in thought.

"I think so," I finally managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. He reached out and gently cupped my face, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I could feel the tension in the air between us, thick and heavy.

"I'm really starting to develop strong feelings for you," I said, his eyes sparkling with emotion. He took my hands in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "It's so much easier to be someone else when you're texting, isn't it?" I nodded, feeling a sense of relief that he understood how difficult it was for me to open up to others.

but that was like 5 months ago now he hasn't stopped sending me all the love emojis whenever we're apart or even in the same room to remind me that this is how this whole relationship started

A/n: Felt short! hope you like it my little lucky clovers! if you have a suggestion plz leave a pg comment!

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