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@Grasswithnogr_15 for one of the ideas I'm using for this page and another they ask me not to mention them but Thanks for the idea too!

As the lead actor in the newest movie, I was struggling to keep up with the demands of the job. The work environment was incredibly toxic and unsupportive, with crew members often belittling my abilities and doubting my suitability for the role. The constant training was taking a toll on my physical and emotional well-being, leaving me in a constant state of pain and sadness.

 However, amidst this chaos, there was one person who showed me kindness and support - Walker Scobell, who played my love interest in the movie. His genuine concern and encouragement helped me to keep going, even as I struggled with the challenges of the job, and his on-screen chemistry with me was made all the more special by my genuine crush on him.

During the stunt rehearsal today, I experienced a series of issues that made me feel worse. I felt sick to my stomach, and despite Walker's constant inquiries about my condition, I didn't want to worry him, so I kept insisting that I was fine. The noise levels on set were already quite high, and since I have sensitive ears, the noise was hurting my ears. This made me quite nervous, and my heart started racing. To cancel out the noise, I put on my headphones, and they helped me feel a little better.

Despite my condition, they still put me on the harness, and I went ahead with my action scenes. However, the harness made me feel quite dizzy, and the spinning sensation was making it difficult to concentrate. By the end of the rehearsal, I was feeling quite unwell, and I am not sure how I will manage to perform the stunts tomorrow.

The next day, I was feeling quite anxious, as I had overheard some of the crew members saying hurtful things about me. It made me feel really low and made me start to hate myself. It felt like everything was just too much for me to handle, and I just wanted it to be over.

I was trying to hold it together, but my anxiety was taking over, and I couldn't help but cry my eyes out. I thought I was alone, but then Walker found me. He approached me with a soft voice and asked me "Hey, are you okay? why are you crying"

 I bit my lip, trying to hold back my tears, and replied that I was fine. I wiped my face, but he could see right through me.

He pulled me into a warm and comforting hug and told me to stop lying to him. I felt my face turn red, and my ears began to hear his strong heartbeat. I couldn't help but sigh as I thought about everything that had happened since I started working on this movie. It was a relief to have someone there who cared about me and wanted to help me through my problems.

As the bell rang, it signaled that it was time to start filming the scene. Despite feeling nervous, I tried to pull myself together. However, I suddenly remembered that I had not eaten anything in the last two days, and it was starting to take a toll on me. The dizziness was becoming unbearable, but the words of the others around me made me feel even worse.

The scene required me to act as if I was dizzy, which seemed simple enough at first. But as I delivered my lines, I realized that I was not acting anymore. The dizziness was real, and I felt like I was spinning out of control. My legs began to wobble, and I couldn't even stand without feeling like I was about to collapse. The room was spinning, and I couldn't focus on anything else.

In that moment, I caught a glimpse of Walker, who looked at me with concern. But that was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

Walker's pov:

I had been keeping a close eye on Y/n for some time now, not only because I found her to be beautiful but because her behavior had been different lately. She seemed to be distant and emotionally disconnected from the rest of the crew, which raised a red flag for me. 

It was not uncommon to overhear some of the crew members talking negatively about her behind her back, which made me feel uneasy. I would always confront them and tell them to stop, but today was different. 

I had noticed Y/n crying in the corner, trying to hide her tears from everyone. I tried to approach her to see if she was okay, but then the director called for us to start filming our scene. It was scary for me to leave her like that, but I had no choice but to go on with the shoot.

so we got in place and Y/n did her line but she started shaking and I saw the color fade from her skin and she collapsed but I caught her before she hit the ground. "Y/n!!" I cried as I saw her in my arms passed out. She fainted. "Help!! get her help!" I picked her up bridal style and brought her to each set's first aid room.

after an hour of pacing they came and got me telling me she was awake I pushed through them and hugged her when I saw her eating a sandwich "W-what happened?!?'' I exclaimed and she sighed softly looking at the crew members with a bitter look "They happened" She got up with fury in her eye which was so beautiful "I don't like being told that I don't deserve this role, or telling me I suck at the training daily, I fainted because I hadn't eaten in two days cause I was sick to my damn stomach thinking about how I could do better!!!" she explained and I wanted to punch each member in the face

but she looked at me and sighed "The only person here that was kind to me was Walker" she came over to me and I looked at her eyes then her lips and the crew said sorry to her and left us alone I looked at her and she smiled "thank you'' she said and I kissed her forehead softly hugging her "no problem" I replied and she looked at me in the eye so I leaned in and kissed her which was interpreted by the bell going off "GOD DAMN IT!!!" I said and she giggled.

we finished the movie in a few months but not without the crew treating Y/n better and me being on her about eating which she always said "Walker, one fucking time!" but I knew she loved when I cared.

A/n: thank you all for the help and the reads it means a lot to me! have a good time my little lucky clovers!

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