are we? pt 3

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Y/n's grip on my back was tight, her knuckles turning white as she trembled. Her heart was racing so fast I could hear it thumping in her chest. "It's okay," I whispered soothingly, pulling her close to me. "Don't let this get to your head," she replied, her voice shaking.

As she pulled away, I could see the tears of fear and anger in her eyes. She wiped them away with the back of her hand, but her whole body still shook. I followed her gaze to the man lying unconscious on the ground, and I knew why she was upset.

"You knocked him out, smart," she said with a small smile, leaning down to search his jacket for any clues. "What are you doing?" I asked, confused. She looked at me, holding up the man's ID and phone. "getting evidence" she said, her voice grim. The man groaned and stirred, and we exchanged a worried look.

As we continued to run as fast as possible, we finally saw some familiar streets, which gave us a glimmer of hope. Y/n grabbed my hand tightly and pulled out her phone, her fingers trembling uncontrollably. She said in a shaky voice, "We need to call 911." Her eyes were filled with tears, and she looked as if she was about to collapse at any moment. 

Y/n dialed 911, and her voice shook as she spoke to the operator. "Yes, please help us! This man is trying to kill us! We've been running for two days, and we don't know what else to do!" She paused, her breaths becoming shallower. "My name is Y/n L/n, and... and Walker Scobell is with us!" 

As Y/n handed me the phone, I took a deep breath to compose myself. I explained the situation to the operator, giving them as much detail as possible, including our location and the description of the man who was chasing us. We knew that our lives were in danger, and we hoped that the police would arrive soon to rescue us from this harrowing ordeal.

As we sat down on the street, waiting for help, I noticed that Y/n was still holding back something. I could tell that there was something bothering her, but she remained silent, typical of her character. I moved closer to her, and she sighed deeply, perhaps hoping that I would not ask her what was wrong.

Despite the cuts we both had on our bodies, I could not help but think of the beautiful memories we shared together. As I looked at her, my heart raced with emotion, and the thought of losing her made me feel numb.

Feeling vulnerable, I mustered the courage to express my feelings. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of concern. Without hesitation, I told her what had been on my mind all along. "I want you," I said softly. My words hung in the air, and I waited anxiously for her response, hoping that she would reciprocate my feelings.

Her eyes widened in shock as she leaned her weight on my shoulder, looking at me with a mix of surprise and relief. I stood there, frozen in place, not knowing how to react. "Took you long enough," she said, teasing me. Her words left me puzzled, but before I could ask her what she meant, she leaned in and kissed me with a passion that made my heart skip a beat. At that moment, I melted into her embrace, feeling the warmth of her body against mine.

As she pulled away, the look in her eyes was intense. "I've been waiting for you to make a move because..." she started to say, but before she could finish, I leaned in and kissed her again. She felt so soft and warm in my arms. "I was too scared to make a move, that's why I kept yelling at you," she said, her hands tightly gripping each other. 

Feeling her anxiety, I took her hands and interlocked them with mine, feeling the warmth of her skin against mine. "I was scared too," I reassured her, hoping to ease her nerves. 

After a few moments, the sound of sirens filled the air as the 911 services arrived. They began to clean us up and asked us questions about what had happened. Meanwhile, the cops went into the woods to investigate. 

But before I could think any further, our families suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They ran towards us and embraced us tightly, relieved to see us safe and sound.

the cops came out with the man in cuffs and he kept cursing at us but we didn't care, we were safe and nothing else mattered.

A/n: that's it! teheehehe this was fun I hope you like it my lucky clovers!

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