she loves dark games

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WARNING: I'm trying a makeout scene but I have never done this so I'm not doing smut I'm not too fond of that stuff and like I said he and I are minors and I respect him so much so ain't going to do that!!! 

Y/n was over at my place after she worked all day. She was playing in a new movie (Not real, I made this up) Alice Madness returns the movie she played the games by America McGee and loved them. 

When she was 12 she played the younger sister but now she was the main character with Johnny Depp as the doctor (I wish) so I never saw her.

but now she was laying on my bed as she wiped the black eyeshadow off with her sleeve "I forget to clean my face after work" she said then I brought out a controller and nodded to my Xbox.

she got up like a little kid on Christmas and squealed as she hugged me "You know which game I wanna play?'' She asked and I replied "It's either Alice Madness Returns or Dead by Daylight"

she pulled up a chair and we played each game by each game I mean she kicked my ass in DBD the whole time and I watched her play Alice. She was so good and knew so much about it.

I could see why she was meant for this role she loved it with her whole soul and she loved it as it loved her back unlike it cared about me. 

I tried playing but I died the second I played. All the jumping pissed me off and how I had to time the planks I had to land on!

I couldn't take my eyes off her as she said each line before it happened, I found it adorable the way her hair parted and the way she smiled each time she attacked something that came at her.

so I did something stupid that I had no control over like my whole body took over and my mind was going with it!

I pulled her hair away from her neck and kissed it! She gasped but she looked at me with a slight smile on her face clearly blushing hard.

"I'M SO SORRY!!" I shouted trying to explain myself but how was I gonna say 'oh yeah, I have been crushing on you and the TikTok edits are not making it easier!!' to her? but she kissed my lips and I melted into her embrace.

she cupped my face and I pulled her closer to me as I deepened the kiss which started slow but that did not last long! She was driving me crazy just like the game character, why did she have this control over me? I thought.

I picked her up and she sat on my lap (DON'T BE GROSS!!! Pretty plz? 🥺)  I had my hands on her waist as she kissed me I could feel her heartbeat through her lips which was slow compared to mine! She parted with my lips and started kissing my jaw I honestly thought I was the one that might do that but she did!

I closed my eyes as my breathing got out of control she moved down to my neck and I could feel Y/n giving me a hickey with each kiss, then down my collarbone with giggles. but we broke apart so fast when we heard my mom at my door.

"Hey, Walker? do you have any laundry for me?'' she asked by the door and I opened the door handing her a sweater "YUP! Just this sweater, you know" I said nervously as Y/n went back to playing the game with a face of 'shit!'

"Are you two okay?" my mom asked and Y/n replied for my sake "Yeah, playing horror games, got scared a little" Y/n lied, she wasn't the type to get scared of horror games.

"Oh, Okay? Walker, you have something on your neck" She pointed to my neck which I covered with my hand with Y/n in the background taking a sharp gasp. 

"TOTALLY! I think there must be a bug in the house" I said making hand gestures as though there was a bug. My mom left and I closed my door aka locking it this time fearing what could have happened if my mom just opened the door.

Y/n buried her face into her hands to hide her blush mumbling something about that was scary and I sat down on my bed.

"Y/n, I think we need to talk about us," I said quietly and Y/n sat down next to me before I could say anything she said to me, "I think I want us to be way more than friends" My hands stopped shaking as she said all that right by my side.

"I think I would love that," I said as I kissed her cheek and she added "Well, next time the makeout won't be as friends" and I covered my face as I blushed.

She went back to the game beating each level as my new girlfriend, my next goal is to make her my wife! I thought as she quoted the game out loud. My sister was the one to found about the hickey by the way so you can only imagine the teasing she did along with my brother.

A/n: I have povs on YT if you wanna check them out and plz don't come at me for this!

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