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"give my regards to the Devil," said that voice of the girl I wish I could avoid  "I will," said to the most annoying girl ever that I was forced to work with against my will " Oh! And remind him he still owes me 50 buck" she smugly added as I walked away from her.

Let me give you some information on what's going on here, I'm Walker Scobell and I'm an actor and the girl is Y/n L/n she is in the newest movie I'm in and of course she has to play my love interest.

She was almost trying to out-stage me, always and I hated her for that! I worked so hard to get here and I never heard her struggle at all. 

I went to my trailer to cool off as I slammed the door I went on to pace the small space I had thinking of how she gets on my nerves so easily. I sat on the bed running my fingers through my hair. I checked my phone I had 10 minutes until I had to film a scene with Y/n so I took a breath and focused on how the day was almost over but I just wanted to stay away from her.

I stepped out of my trailer and I heard Y/n's voice close by she was in a conversation "Yeah I know! Please just cut me some slack" was all I heard from her but I could catch her voice breaking.

She walked past me putting her phone away as she wiped her face not even caring to give me a dumb comment but she didn't look my way which hurt a bit deep in my stomach. But I did not have time to think about that I had to get set.

I rushed to the set and the makeup crew was doing Y/n's makeup but something didn't feel right. Y/n would always talk with the crew but she had earbuds to ignore everyone.  She looked at the time and took a breath taking out the earbuds getting ready for work and brushing off whatever seemed to bug her. I could hear her music she was listening to pop-rock which I knew was her favorite I could feel her attempting to make herself better.

but we walked into the set of a bedroom of Y/n's character and the scene was about my character worried about Y/n who was called Amara in the movie I was playing a guy named Will. Amara got in a battle with a monster and didn't listen to Will so he was yelling at her in fear after she won the fight.

So she went to sit on the bed like she was told to and waited for them to shout "action!!!" and we got to work.  "If you do that again I'll throw you out the damn window*she gets up* w-what are you doing" I question in character and she gave a small smile almost a sly one "checking on how high it is to see if it's worth it," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"do you have to mess with me all the time?'' I added forgetting we were just acting but no one said cut I wasn't paying attention to that. Y/n aka Amara stepped away from the window toward me  "I can't help it, you're fun to mess with" she added going along and the way she stepped towards me made me feel butterflies in my stomach hitting it hard.

"you can say that again" I grumbled looking away from her but she pulled me by my chin softly "What did you say? I couldn't hear you'' she locked eyes with me and I'll admit I was frecking out at her soft touch on my skin.  I leaned in wanting to meet her lips out of my control and she looked shocked so she stepped back she was about to say something but they yelled "Cut!!!!" I sighed and she smiled softly.

"Not bad today, blondie, I'll give you that," she said walking away but I stood there in complete shock at what I did! I tried to kiss her!!!! I was lost in thought but My dad called me telling me it was time to head home for the day.

A/n: should I make a part two? plz follow and follow on if you like videos like this I'll do my TikTok later I go under ecilpsabloom but I might change that 

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