I like me better if I'm with you

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All the girls were over the perfect little actor, Walker Scobell! I couldn't stand how nice he was! or the thought it was all an act. Was there anything real about him? I couldn't stand that he was so good at what he did. Was that wrong of me? I questioned.

I kinda wanted him to do something to screw up and put away the damn act or do something that made him seem less Perfect. maybe was it because I found him cute

I was with my only couple of friends at school during lunch and they would not shut up about how Walker was so nice and helped them with their math, he was a genius, he was this, he was that. I felt like digging my own grave if I heard another word about this guy.

I would ask why was he so talked about but I didn't want to get into a conversation like that.  I messed with my food as my friends gossiped about something stupid in my opinion when he strolled by. "WALKER!!! HEY COME SIT WITH US" they said and I knew right there that there was no escape from this and trust me I tried.

He came over to us as one of my friends literally held me down as I put up a fight to get away "Walker, this is our amazing Y/n, remember we told you bout her?'' Livia said as he sat down in the empty seat closer to me than them. 

"Oh Yeah, the cool one," he said with a small smile on his face and my friend held my hand making sure I wouldn't get up I blushed from embarrassment, did he just call me cool?

Whatever, I thought, eating my food, my parents hate when I forget to eat even a smallish snack.  Rose kicked me from under the table trying to get me to talk to him but I just rolled my eyes "SOoo... Y/n what do you do for fun? do you like the movies?'' he asked itching the back of his neck like he was shy.

"Yeah...I guess, I really like Marvel films" I said softly and he gasped dramatically "She just keeps getting cooler by the moment " I tried to hide my smile but then my friends got up out of the fricking blue right as I was just getting comfortable "So sorry but we have to go," they said at the same time as though they shared a brain.

I grab Livia's hand and kinda begged like a damn fool for them not to leave me with him but she left anyways. Leaving me with actor boy. I started at the door trying to avoid eye content with him.

"Okay, so this is awkward" he broke the silence which made me chuckle a bit as it was true. it was odd that I laughed but I couldn't help myself I covered my mouth as I kept laughing harder each time I took a breath "Oh don't do that" he said taking my hand into his to stop me covering my smile "I like your smile" and that was it.

"What do you mean you like my smile?'' I questioned and he blushed as he seem to be going through his brain for an answer "crap!'' he mumble.

"I want the truth Walker" I said getting upset at him for taking so long to just say whatever he meant by that "I...I...I'' he stutter. I was gonna lose my mind if I sat there any longer so with a rash plan I got up from my seat taking my bag "When you can answer me, you'll hopefully not know where to find me" I said.


I was sitting in a tree watching the stars coming out further from my house thinking about what he might have meant about that or that I might've taken it too far but I was shy. I couldn't comprehend how I had friends with the way I acted.

Then I heard a voice from below the branch "I have an answer" I thought I might have been going crazy or the birds were learning how to speak the language of dumb humans but I had to look down and I saw that it was Walker.

He climbed up the tree and sat next to me shaking like he was left out in the cold overnight "Please don't freak out when I tell you this?'' he begged at me with the stars in his eyes, dancing with the blue ocean tone of his gazes.  "Go on," I said and he took a breath like he was scared of what I might do.

"Okay... I have a crush on you and I have been since you came here last summer... I asked to tutor your friends so I can ask them about you. cause I'm way too shy... and I hate when I see you talk to those assholes" I was in shock hearing Walker curse and I could sense this was not an act as he went on "I know you might think I'm a creep but I think I like me better if I'm with you" 

I had no response to this, no guy ever told me that they had a crush on me and it made sense with the way he tried to act so nice...he was trying to get close to me!! 

"I'd really like to kiss you now before I say anything else" he added under his breath I pulled him in for a kiss but I kissed his cheek instead "Hmm...you think I'll let you get away with getting my friends involved with this?'' I teased and he rolled his eyes.

"you know...I do like movies" I said giving him a super fast peek on the lips giving him a hint, hoping he would get the message. 

Well he did and he took me out and asked me to be his girlfriend right after my favorite movie I told him no! 

I'm kidding!!! I said yes like a hundred times 

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