riding free/ Y/n's pov pt4

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Y/n's pov:

Sorry, its short!

Everything that happened yesterday was crazy! I was in a new competition for horse riding doing my tricks, then met this cute boy named Walker who was really sweet. He was someone who liked books just like me! 

Of course, he was the same kid who played my favorite book character Percy Jackson! and that I found out through my dad made it even crazier! and that we were gonna have dinner with them! I wanted to look okay, not covered in dirt so I put a dress on and got ready.

Walker was in my head like a stain in my brain, the way his blue eyes sparkled and that smile. When I got at the door he was in a new blue sweater that brought out his eyes even more.

I was hoping I wasn't acting shy or anything but we started talking and got to know each other better! we got into the best conversations but as we were giving each other notes under the table my phone rang so I went to answer it and it was the fire apparent saying the stables caught fire.

So we rushed to the stables as fast as we could, my heart was breaking I thought I had just lost my best friend my horse ND. I was also thinking about how close I was sitting next to Walker, all of it drove me nuts!

I jumped out of the car not caring and went over to ND hugging her hard and asked question about what happened. The vet explained everything but then I saw Barbie right after I went to the cops asking if there was anything that could've been a clue.

I saw she was trying to talk to Walker and pet my horse so I may have lost my shit! I punched her hard in the face which I had never done before and hoped Walker didn't see me differently but no one messes with my horse! and I saw she was smoking.

let's get to the good stuff now: 

Walker cleaned my knuckles as we sat on the roof of my parent's car watching the sky go down but there was way too much rushing through my head right now and it made me dizzy or was it being near Walker? Was the thought of losing ND? I couldn't tell I tried to get Walker's attention but he was zoned out so I may have also teased him by lifting his chin up and making him look at me he was shutting hard but it was so cute to watch.

I asked him if he wanted to help with a new stable my parents were working on years ago before I got into competitions he agreed and I rested my head on his lab like it was a pillow cause I was so Dizzy! 

It was nice but I felt so confused by the way the day went I hope today goes better! Bye Diary! A/n: Y/n has a small diary on her so image you are in y/n's book! for now!

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