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Maxine Harris knew Harvey Specter like she knew Don Quixote, and Max had her degree in English proudly hung in her office. How his walk indicated how he felt. How when he brewed his coffee with light and dark beans meant he was trying to treat himself to perfection. How if he wore his favourite dark red tie, he was feeling adventurous. So she obviously knew that waking up at six o'clock in the morning on the day of Oliver Klades' trial and being noisy and distracting was a bad idea. She knew Harvey would be awake the second the sun hit the windows, working diligently, yet quietly in order not to disturb Max. Jessica, thankfully, had given her the day off, knowing that she'd have to mentally prepare for the next day of the trial, where she would testify in court. But like Harvey, Max was awake as well, only she was lying in bed, softly breathing as to not disturb Harvey. But it only lasted for so long.

Harvey was doing the same, trying not to disturb Max as he was pacing the lower half of the apartment, making sure every little detail of the case was clean and air-tight. There was no way in hell that there would be any stopping him.

He dealt with the mistrial; after finally contacting the missing juror (in actually Mike found her, but Harvey wouldn't admit to that), they convinced her to get her back on the case. It was easy, considering Harvey was smart and Julian would have probably done something drastic (if he didn't already). Harvey stopped pacing, and sat down of the couch; his legs shaking from the anxiety. Cameron Dennis was a good attorney, he'd admit that, but there was no way in hell he was a better lawyer that Harvey. He needed this case. He needed Oliver to go down. He would have been rooting for the poor guy if he didn't attack Max. That was something Harvey couldn't forgive.

"Babe, I can hear you thinking."

Harvey looked up to see her, leaning against the railing. She still had that sleeping glow to her, and all Harvey's worries vanished for the moment. Her hair was in disarray as she was in a silk sleeping dress that reached her mid thigh. Wrapping the matching robe around her, she smirked at him, resting her hands on the railing. Harvey couldn't help but smile. He could be broke, homeless, and missing an arm... but if he had Max by his side, he'd feel like the luckiest man in the world.

"That's because my thoughts speak volumes."

She laughed, her face still flushed and her lips still plump, "Good answer."

Harvey leaned back, and Max couldn't take her eyes off of him. He was wearing a white cotton t-shirt and dark sweats, but he couldn't have looked any more gorgeous. His shirt hugged each ripple, and his pants hung just right. He ran a hand through his hair, and she loved how he didn't style it just yet. His soft eyes looked at her, her heart melting as he motioned with his hand to come down. She pushed herself off of the railing, making her way down the glass and marble staircase. Walking across the floor, Harvey held his arms open, which Max gladly went to, snuggling to his side, resting her head on his shoulder.

"You're scared," she said to him.

"I'm not," he said stubbornly.

She looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"A bit, but nothing to throw me off my game."

"I know," she said, her elbow resting on the back of the couch as she ran her fingers through his locks, "I just wanted to say it out loud so you don't forget it."

"Forget that I'm scared?" He said with humour in his eyes.

"Forget that you're human, babe," she smiled.

Her hands stayed in his hair, "A good lawyer is smart, quick, and charming. A great lawyer can kick someone's ass and still look like the good guy."

She leaned in, "Because he shows that he's just like everyone else at the end of the day: a person."

 The Portrait of Gamophobia (2) Harvey Spector Where stories live. Discover now