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Maxine Harris was having a difficult time. From cancelling the reception hall to returning the bridesmaid dresses (which Donna and Rachel were quite upset about), she albeit pulled her hair out as she sat at the kitchen island, phone glued to her ear. She had been on the phone with the reception hall coordinator as they gratefully promised to return the majority of the deposit. Between cancelling the cake, the band, and dessert table, she about had it with calling all the guests herself to let them know, personally, that the wedding was cancelled.

The icing on the cake was the press.

"THE HARVINE WEDDING'S OFF!" was popping out of the newspaper sitting on the counter as Max couldn't help but glance at it occasionally. She had read the article, turning up her nose at the reporter's slew of words and accusations (with a source which was, surprise, Mister van Greten). "New York's favourite power couple are apparently in limbo. With a shocking turn of events, the grand Harvine wedding we had all been waiting for has been officially cancelled, our source Freddy Greten says. We cannot confirm whether or not it was Maxine or Harvey that pulled the plug, but clearly there is trouble in paradise for the lovely couple as they cancel the walk down the aisle..."

Max closed her eyes. She knew everything the reporter had said, and unfortunately those words would never leave her brain. She couldn't take it anymore. Max hated the press. She absolutely loathed every person who involved themselves in her life without her permission, yet she couldn't do anything about it, unless she wanted to make it worse. Harvey and his stupid ego...

Her thoughts stopped when she thought of Harvey. It had been a few days short of two weeks since Marcus told Harvey that his mother wasn't coming to his wedding, and it had been a few days short of two weeks that she had a proper conversation with Harvey. She bit her lip, her body instinctively leaving her seat as she walked up towards the bedroom. She saw Harvey sprawled across the bed, pillows thrown over his head to block the world around him. Max took a deep breath, worried. Harvey was shutting down. She questioned if it was a good idea for letting Harvey feel his emotions as she watched him either work non-stop or sit in front of the television, not really paying attention. Max kept seeing the lost look in his eyes, and she had done everything to make him snap out of it.

Well, except the hard way.

"Harvey, get up. It's noon."

"It's Saturday," the immediate response came from underneath the pillows, muffled. Ah, he actually is awake.

"And it's noon. Get. Up."

Watching as Harvey didn't move an inch for a minute, Max contemplated doing something before whispering 'fuck it' under her breath. She walked to the right side of the bed, grasping onto the mattress. She knew Harvey was heavy, but if she built up enough momentum...

One, two, three, Max counted in her head before using all her force to flip over the mattress. She watched as she saw the bottom of the mattress face the ceiling. She heard the loud thump of Harvey making contact with the ground.

She didn't get to three seconds before she heard him.


"I told you to get up," she said as she walked to the other side of the bed, "but since you don't talk to me any more I thought I'd use physical force."

Harvey said nothing in response as he pulled himself from underneath the mattress, shuffling towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

"You're not going to pick up the bed?"

She didn't hear a response from Harvey.

"Thank you for acting like a child."

Silence came from the bathroom.

 The Portrait of Gamophobia (2) Harvey Spector Where stories live. Discover now