Chapter 1/ Welcome to Hogwarts

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Flashback 1991

An owl flies towards my window. I open it and take the letter from the owl because it has it in its claws.

I slowly turn the letter over. My heart starts pounding.

It could finally be the letter that confirms my acceptance into Hogwarts School. Or is it just another letter from my friends?

Then I look at the red seal. Actually. The Hogwarts crest. I jump around my room because of  joy and then run downstairs to my father.

"Dad, dad, I got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts!" I shout as I run to him.

"That was to be expected, Princess." he says happily and gives me a quick hug.

It's very rare that he does this and when he does he's really happy and having a good day.

Just as I'm about to go back upstairs, I see my best friend Draco's owl flying to the living room window. 

I open it and take the letter from the owl's claws. Then I open the letter:

Hi Rose,

How are you doing? Have you received your letter for Hogwarts yet? I finally got mine now. I was so happy.

I only write to you now because I wanted to ask if you have time next week to go shopping for school supplies with us in Diagon Alley. The others are coming too.

Please write back quickly.

Best wishes Draco

I read it quickly and then go to my room to write a reply. I get out parchment, a quill and ink and start writing.

Hi Draco,

I am very well. My dad is in a good mood today. I just received my letter shortly before your letter arrived. I was really happy too. I have time next week. Shall we meet at the Leaky Cauldron then? 

I hope you have a nice time.

Best Wishes Rose

Ps.: Send my greets to your parents, Tom and Mattheo too. 

I finish the letter and fold it up. Then I put it in an envelope and give it to my father's owl, a black barn owl named Luna.


I'm just arriving at the Leaky Cauldron when Draco and the others come towards me. I'm the last to arrive.

We greet each other and go to Diagon Alley with Draco's mother. There we first go to Gringotts Bank to get money.

We've all actually been to the Diagon Alley before, but we're still impressed by the look every time.

When we got the money we all went to Olivander's wand shop.

One by one everyone gets their magic wand. 

My wand is one with the core of a unicorn tail and the type of wood is that of a willow. There are some lines around the wand and leaves attached to them. I think the magic wand is beautiful.

Then we go to Florish and Blotts and then to Madam Malkins and the Magical Menagerie. There I buy a snowy owl that I call April.

When we've bought all the school supplies, we stroll around the shops a bit and buy a few things that we like. For example, Pansy and I buy us a partner outfit. It consists of a green and black checked skirt and a black top. Mine says Best and Pansy's says Friends in a green font.

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