Chapter 12/The Plan

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We all sit together in the common room. All the other students had to go to their dorms but my father allowed us to stay here because today we want to discuss what we are doing to kill Dumbledore.

"Does somebody has any idea?" I ask.

Draco says "We definitely have to install the vanishing cabinet. I can teleport people now."

"My father told me earlier that Dumbledore is going somewhere on June 30th. He is expected to return to the Astronomy Tower at night." comes to my mind.

"Then we can make something out of it." says Pansy.

Theodore says "We could bring the Death Eaters to Hogwarts that evening. Then when we leave the Room of Requirement we could throw something that makes the hallway dark when someone is there."

"But then those who leave the Room of Requirement don't see anything." I note.

Then Draco contradicts "I have the hand of glory, it lights the way even if nothing can penetrate the darkness but just for the person who holds it."

I ask "And what should we use to make it dark then?"

"The Weasley twins sell something like that. I just don't know how we're going to get there." says Pansy.

"Luna," Blaise says, "I'm friends with her and she with the Weasleys. I could ask her to get me something."

We all agree with a nod. Then there is silence in the room. Everyone seems to be thinking about what to do next.

"The teachers and especially Potter and his friends will fight. We must prepare to defend ourselves, even if there are Death Eaters." I break the silence.

"Yes, they will." Draco agrees with me. 

"Draco and I have to kill Dumbledore. It's our job so we have to get to the Astronomy Tower first. So you would then have to stop Potter and his friends from coming to us." I say.

"We should split up." says Mattheo.

"And how?" Pansy asks.

Theodore says "I would say that Draco takes the Death Eaters with me, for example. Draco tries to go to the Astronomy Tower as quickly as possible. Rose can wait there. The others spread out in the castle near the Room of Requirement and on the way to the Astronomy Tower, they can fight there."

"Yes," we all agree.

"Is there actually more to discuss?" Blaise asks.

Draco says "No, but we should talk again a few days beforehand. In the meantime, you Blaise get the stuff from the Weasleys and the rest of us train. I'll discuss with Rose exactly how we want to kill Dumbledore."

"Okay, but we could also help with that." says Pansy.

Draco agrees.

Then there is silence in the room again for a while. I still don't want to kill anyone. Even if I do it as a vampire. I worked towards it as a human.

"We should try to disarm Dumbledore first. Then, well, kill him at some point." I say trembling.

"Yes, we couldn't do anything else." say the others.

"Good, then we can go to sleep now." I say.

"Good night!" Everyone says and we go to our dorms.

>>>>>>>>>> Blaise's POV <<<<<<<<<<

The next day after breakfast I go straight to Luna.

"Hi!" she says.


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