Chapter 15/The conquest

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We've just been transferred to the ministry. The fight would begin soon.

There are more and more Death Eaters around me. The Ministry employees notice this and point their wands at us. Then they start shouting "Stupefy!" from all over the place or call other spells. I just block all the spells. We fight for a while. 

Then the Dark Lord comes to us.

He hisses "Surrender! We will take you by surprise and I don't want to have to spill pure blood unnecessarily."

The Ministry employees continue to shout spells and fire them at us. At this moment I realize that I am going public with the Death Eaters group for the first time. Now everyone who works here in the ministry knows it. I tried to keep it secret but  today it won't work anymore. We still have to go to the wedding later. 

Potter and his friends already know it but there will be a lot of others too. 

Then a spell throws me against the wall. I try to get back up and defend myself but I'm paralyzed. 

I shouldn't think about anything else during the fight. I should just concentrate on defending myself. I keep trying to sit up. Then I see someone coming towards me. 

The person points his wand at me. 

I try to grab my wand. It works. I can move again. I sit up and block all the spells.

But then I hear "Stupefy!" and I'm thrown against the wall again. 

My wand falls out of my hand and I pass out. The only thing I notice is my head hitting the floor.


Rose's head hits the floor. It starts bleeding, it seems like she has a laceration. 

The fight continues around her. The ministry employee who just threw Rose against the wall is about to pick up her wand from the floor when Mattheo comes up to him and they have a duel.

The duel ends with the employee being thrown to the ground and also becoming unconscious.Mattheo runs straight to Rose.

The Dark Lord says "Well, we have injured some and shed the precious blood of some. So join me and we will kill no more people."

It takes a while but then the Death Eaters manage to win over the Ministry.

"I demand of you," says the Dark Lord, "that you bring all Mudbloods here for interrogation. You will take their wands and take them to Azkaban after the interrogation!"

The scared wizards and witches agree.


"Rose, Rose, Rose! Wake up! Please!" says Mattheo pleadingly.

I slowly open my eyes and look into Mattheo's.

"What happened?" I ask. 

My head hurts and I clutch the cut. Then I look at my hand and see that it is covered in blood.

"We've taken over the Ministry. We're about to go to the wedding. Here's your wand." he answers and then puts my wand in my hand.

"Thanks. But how did you do it?"

"I don't know. At some point they just got involved." says Mattheo, "Come on, we have to go."

I sit up and dress up with Mattheo for the wedding of one of the Weasleys and as it turns out Fleur Delacour. My head still hurts but I try to ignore it. 

The time has come. We should now injure and even kill as many enemies as possible. I can't do that but I shouldn't think too much either. 

The first spell is fired at me and I quickly defend myself. I'm watching Potter, Granger and Weasley disapparate. I see the two Death Eaters, Dolohov and Rowle, also disapparate. The three must have mentioned the Dark Lord's name. A ban was placed on it.

Then someone attacks me again. I look around as it seems to be getting emptier. The other Death Eaters all disapparate. I'm one of the few people still there, but I'm quickly disappearing now too.

At Malfoy Manor I see the others and run straight to them.

"Is everything okay with you?" I ask them quickly

.Everyone nods. I'm glad nothing happened to them. I'm probably the one of us who is the worst at fighting. I was the only one who passed out.

"Rose, we have to go. My father wants to talk to you. I already told you that yesterday."

"Yes, I'm coming with you."I grab my head again. It's still bleeding. But I'll still quickly go to the Dark Lord. I know what he's capable of when he's angry.

We go into the room together.

"Rose Mattheo. Welcome." hisses the Dark Lord.

"Why should I come?" I ask uncertainly.

"What did we train for?" the Dark Lord asks me.

"T-that I use m-my v-vampire powers?" I stutter.

"Exactly! And why don't you do that?" shouts the Dark Lord.

"I'm sorry My Lord." I say quietly.

"If you don't use your powers we'll have to train again and then a lot more people will die than last time." hisses the Dark Lord.

"I-I'll use t-them next time." I stutter.

I don't really want to use them but I don't want more people to die. I notice how the Dark Lord is trying to read my thoughts and I try to sort my thoughts so that he only sees what he is allowed to see. My father taught me that. He also told me that I must not refuse the Dark Lord entry into my thoughts under any circumstances.

"Good, if you don't use your powers in the next fight you know what will happen. You can leave." hisses the Dark Lord.

I walk out of the room shaking. I still feel blood running down my head. I really wonder why I haven't bled to death yet. 

But... No, I can't do that.

I can't do that. No!

I could turn into a vampire and heal the wound. I should just try it. Nothing bad can happen.

Then I do it and transform. But nothing changes in my wound. Then I change back again. Maybe this only works for wounds I get as a vampire.

But I should definitely wrap a bandage around the wound. I don't want to bleed to death.


More than half of the holidays are now over. We're going back to Hogwarts in a week and a half. Fortunately, we can't just be called to fight there every now and then. This has happened to us too often lately. But I managed to turn into a vampire during the fight. At least the Dark Lord trusts me again.

I just hope that there won't  suddenly be a fight. Next week we want to go to Diagon Alley and buy our school supplies.

My father is supposed to be headmaster this year.

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