Chapter 3/The Yule Ball

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I'm getting ready with Pansy in our dorm. We put on the clothes we bought in Hogsmead. I leave my hair open. They are naturally slightly wavy. Pansy ties her hair into a bun.

Then we go together to the great hall, where our companions are already waiting for us. We go down the stairs. I try to do it elegantly, but I have no idea if it looks elegant or if I'm just stumbling down the stairs. Well, on the last step my ankle twists and I fall into Theodore's arms. He barely catches me.


Pansy manages to elegantly walk down the stairs next to me.

We stand at the edge of the dance floor. 

The champions should open the evening. And here they come. Viktor Krum goes with Granger, Cedric Diggory goes with Cho Chang, Fleur Delacour goes with Roger Davis and Potter goes with Parvarti Patil. They enter the dance floor and start dancing.

I pull Theodore onto the dance floor. He can't actually dance, but I force him to. After a while he convinces me to get off the dance floor again.

I look enviously at the couples still dancing. Even Draco and his companion Astoria still dance and I know that Draco hates dancing almost as much as he hates Potter. 

Pansy and Blaise are still dancing too.

"Where are Mattheo and Tom?" I ask Theodore, hoping he knows because then I would dance with one of them. They are pretty good in dancing.

"No idea." he says, "Shall we go out of here?" It's so crowded and so loud?"

I agree and we go out. We go to the Black Lake and sit on the shore there.

"Uhm, Rose. I wanted...can I tell you something?"

"Yes, of course," I answer.

"Well, um, I have a crush on you for a while now," he says shyly.

I say "Yeah, me too, uhm, kind of too.

"Then he presses his lips to mine.

"Shall we go dancing again?" he asks and I happily say "Yes, I'd love to."

We go back into the great hall and dance a little more. As we dance I lean my head on his chest.


"And how was the ball?" Pansy asks me later in our dorm.

"So, how should I say it. Theo said he's had a crush on me for a while and I said the same thing. Afterwards we kissed."

"Then are you together now?"

"No, not really. Not officially yet." I say

"Ohh, man!"sighs Pansy.


"Hey, can I talk to you in the library after breakfast?" Theodore asks me.

"Yes, I'll come right away." I say.

Pansy whispers "Maybe you'll officially get together now."

"Yes, I hope so." I answer.

I finish eating and then go to the library. Theodore is already waiting for me.

"So what is it?" I ask slowly.

"Uhm, we didn't make it official yesterday so I wanted to ask you now."

My heart beats fast and loud. I have the feeling that it's about to jump out of me and then Theo finishes his sentence,"Shall we come together?"

"Yes, yes of course." I say excitedly.

He pulls me closer to him by my hips. Then we kiss again.

"I love you." he says.

"Me too." I say.


"Pansy! Pansy!" I run into our dorm, "We're together. Now official."

Pansy is happy and hugs me.

She says "Welcome to the club of the taken, sweetie."


A few weeks later is the second task of the tournament. We gather on a few towers that were built in the water.

This time the champions had to manage to get their loved ones out of the lake from the merpeople within an hour. They had to find a way to breathe underwater for an hour.

Then there was a whistle and all participants jumped into the water.

Krum transforms his head into that of a shark and Fleur and Cedric use a spell to create a bubble around their head that allows them to breathe. Potter eats Gillyweb just before jumping into the water. 

I briefly had hopes that he wouldn't show up again but unfortunately he does.

Then a few minutes pass while we are waiting for something to happen and an announcement comes: "Miss Delacour is disqualified for this round because she was attacked by Merpeoples."

Then we watch as she is taken out of the water. Then a few more minutes pass while we stand there pointlessly and then Diggory comes out of the water with Chang. 

We're just watching them go out and then Viktor Krum comes along. He has Hermione in his arms.

A few more minutes and then suddenly Harry comes out of the water with Ron and Gabrielle, Fleur's little sister.

I say "Wow, that asshole. He always has to play the big hero."

After the status of the various players is announced, we go back to our common room.


The rest of the school year passes quickly and the day has come. The day of the final task of the Triwizard Tournament.The champions have to go through an labyrinth, in which there are various obstacles, and try to be the first to get the cup.

The participants are gradually let into the labyrinth.

This time we can watch what the players do. We just see Fleur being dragged into the hedge. She is taken out of the maze and is now finally disqualified. 

Then we watch the fight between Viktor Krum and Harry and Cedric. Of course Potter has to win. Diggory and Potter continue walking while Viktor is also disqualified. We see Cedric and Potter touching the cup at the same time and then they suddenly  they disappear. 

There's a buzz throughout the stadium and everyone stands there waiting for Potter and Cedric to come back. After what feels like an hour it happens. We look at Potter and Diggory and see him. As Diggory lies dead on the floor. We see Cedric's father running towards him. Everything happens quickly. We are sent back to school and told to go straight to our common rooms. We gather there. It's not a big loss for us since none of us really liked Cedric. But we didn't hate him either. I think the worst thing about that moment was that someone just died. Just disappeared like that and then came back dead.

Theo notices that I'm not feeling so well and says "Come here, sweetie."I sit on his lap.


The chapter was maybe a bit quick and a bit much at once but I wanted to get it all into one chapter.

I hope it's okay anyway.

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