Chapter 11/The Spell

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Draco and I just finished training in the Room of Requirement. Draco can now manage to teleport birds and then have them come back unconscious, but I think he'll get it done soon.

I actually thought that we would go to the common room together but he tells me that he isn't coming yet. Then I go back to the common room alone.

I see everyone sitting there except Draco and Mattheo.

I ask "Where is Mattheo?"

Nobody knows. 

After a while I decide to go into the girls' toilet with the Moaning Myrtle. I'm pretty good friends with her. She's easy to talk to and we often cry together. So now I'm standing in front of the door and I can already hear from the outside that something is being destroyed in there.

I carefully open the door and see Draco, Mattheo and Potter having a duell.

They don't notice me coming in. Then I hear Draco and Mattheo trying to say 'Crucio' at the same time but only get halfway through. Then I hear Potter say "Sectumsmpra!" and see Draco and Mattheo both fall to the ground and cuts appear on their bodies.


I nod at her and she flies out of the toilet. I hope she gets my father. He invented this spell and taught it to me. It takes a lot of practice to cut through something specific. But he also taught me a spell for healing.

Then he comes in and kneels next to Draco and says "Vulnera Sanentur!" several times.

Then I kneel next to Mattheo and say "Vulnera Sanentur!" several times too.

Both of their injuries seem to be getting better but not quite good yet .All of our clothes are covered in blood and water from the floor.

Then my father tells me "Go to the hospital wing with the two of them and tell Madam Pomfrey that I will talk to her later. I will take care of Mister Potter." 

Then I try to help Draco and Mattheo up and they lean on me.


We arrive and Madam Pomfrey comes running straight to us. "What happened?" she asks quickly. 

 Then I answer "Professor Snape will talk to you later. They are cuts on their body's." Then I put Draco and Mattheo each on a bed so that I no longer have to support them. 

 "Okay, I'll grab something quickly. I'll be right back. Please stay here, Miss Snape." Madam Pomfrey then says.

After a few minutes I see her come back in. She has two ointments in her hand. She gives one to Draco and the other to Mattheo. Then she says "Please smear the ointment on the affected areas once a day. After one to two weeks everything should be healed again and there should be no scars left." 

 Then she sends us out and we go to the common room together. 

Draco shouts, "Potter is such an asshole! Sometimes I wish we had to kill him and not Dumbledore." 

 "Quiet!" I then admonish him. 

 When we enter the common room, the others are already walking towards us. They see me supporting Draco and Mattheo and asking directly, "What happened?" 

 Then we explain everything to them. 

 After half an hour my father comes in. He gets Draco, Mattheo and me in his office. 

I don't know how many times I've been here this year. Normally no more than twice, but I'm definitely exceeding that this year. 

 Then my father asks "What exactly happened? Why did Potter attack you?"

 Draco replied, "I went to the bathroom with Mattheo because I was feeling bad about Professor Dumbledore. Then Potter came in and started attacking us. Then we defended ourselves and at some point he said this spell."

"Okay!" says my father, "Then what happened to you Rose?" 

 "We were in the Room of Requirement beforehand to practice some more. Afterwards I went to the common room. After a while I decided to go to the toilet because Myrtle is there and I keep talking to her. Then I just saw how they fought." I answer.

"Well, Potter has to serve detention until the end of the school year. I found out he has things he shouldn't have."

We give each other a happy look. Then we go back to the common room.


The next day at breakfast we shout along with the others throughout the hall "Potter almost killed someone!"

It's fun because every Slytherin takes part but I think the others didn't believe us even though the rumor is actually true.

"Snape, come!" someone whispers to me after Transfiguration class. I turn around and see Potter.

"Do you know a half-blood prince?"

Yes, I know one, my father called himself that. I also call myself the half-blood princess but I don't tell Potter that. Instead I try to walk away then Potter calls out "I'll tell everyone what you are if you don't answer me now."

I stop and go back to him. If he tries to blackmail me like that and any of the others find out, he'll be dead anyway.

Then I say "No, I don't know anyone with that name."

"And what are you up to, you and Malfoy, you've been away all the time."

"It's none of your business, Potter!" I hiss.

"I'll say it." he blackmails me.

But then I say "Don't blackmail me Potter or you'll regret it."

"There are already teachers who know." Potter then says.

Then I see Mattheo coming. He asks "What do you want Potter?"

"I just ask what you do and if I don't get an answer I can quickly tell the whole school."

"You can't blackmail me Potter, no one will believe you anyway."

Then Mattheo takes my arm and pulls me away from Potter. We go to the common room and before we go in I quickly say "I'm sorry Mattheo."

"Potter blackmailed you. It's not your fault." He calms me down.


The last chapters have all become quite short and rather boring, but I already have ideas for the next chapter and it will definitely be more exciting and a little longer than the last chapters.

The half-blood princessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora