Chapter 9/Hogsmead - First try

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"Rose! Rose! ROSE! WAKE UP!" shouts Pansy

"Yeah, I'm already into Pansy." I say sleepily.

"You're trying today, with Dumbledore."

"Oh, shit! I didn't even think of that." I say and jump out of bed. I go straight to our bathroom and take a shower. Then I put on my clothes and run out of my dorm and the common room into the Great Hall.

"Good morning." everyone says.

"Good morning." I answer.

I eat quickly and then go back to Draco's dorm with him to discuss everything.

"So, Filch is going to check us, so I'm going through the secret passage with the necklace to Hogsmead. We'll meet there in the Three Broomsticks and I'll give you the chain. You go with it into the girls' bathroom and give the chain to someone. Then You tell the person to give the necklace to Dumbledore and then erase from their memory that you gave them the necklace. Then we go back to Hogwarts."

"Yes, let's do that." I agree.


"Miss Snape, what do you have in your bag?" Filch asks suspiciously and I show him what I have in my bag. There's  some money, my make-up that I never go out without, and my wand.

"Well you can move on." he then says.

I go to the Three Broomsticks pub and see Draco coming in the door. First we sit down and order a Butterbeer.

"Rose, Bell just went to the bathroom and her friend is packing up. I think they're about to leave. This is the perfect chance." says Draco.

Then he hands me the necklace and I go into the girls' bathroom with it in my hands. I'll wait there until Katie comes out.

When she comes I say "Hi, Katie"

"Hi, Rose. What is it?"

"I wanted to ask you if you could deliver the necklace to Professor Dumbledore?"

"Why exactly should I do that?"

I remember that I can also manipulate thoughts with my vampire side and I transform. Bell hasn't noticed yet and then I change her mind and she says 

"Gladly. I'll do it straight away."

I transform back and then say "Obliviate" quietly, making Katie forget that 'I' gave her the necklace. Then I go out of the toilet and sit down next to Draco. We try to appear as inconspicuous as possible and finish our Butterbeer. Then we walk out of the Three Broomsticks and slowly walk towards Hogwarts.Then suddenly we hear a scream and see Katie Bell rising into the sky.

"Draco, shit! This is Katie. What if she touched the necklace." I say panicked.

"No idea." he says, also panicked.

Then we quickly go to Hogwarts again.


"Mattheo" I say.

"What's Princess?"

"Earlier with the necklace and Dumbledore."

"What about it?"

"I manipulated Bell's mind... with my... vampire side. I don't want to do that often. And I could have done it another way with magic. I'm really blaming myself again."

"No, babe. You don't have to. It was an attempt to kill Dumbledore and you have to kill him otherwise he would kill us all. Even if the attempt went wrong, you didn't do anything wrong. And besides, look at it this way. You turned into a vampire and didn't attack Bell."

"Yeah, okay, that's fine, but what if I did?"

"Don't even think about it, Rose. It didn't happen."

"OK." I say and lay my head on his shoulder. Then he puts his arm around me. 

I see my father storm into the room. "Rose!" he shouts.

"W-w-what did I do?" I ask uncertainly.

"That idea was just stupid. I'm sorry to say it, but it was really stupid. So the next time you two, I mean you and Draco, plan something, ask me before doing it!"

"B-but I'm sorry. I thought it would work."

"I was just able to defend you. You definitely need to keep a lower profile. Potter and his friends suspect you. All of you."

"He was listening to us on the Hogwarts Express for a moment and-" I start to cry, "Draco said that he thinks no one believes Potter."

"Yes, I've made it that far now but you definitely have to be more careful!" 

And with that he leaves the room again.

Mattheo kisses me on the forehead and says "It'll be okay, Rose. We'll manage it."


I'm standing in front of the wall with the tapestry on the seventh floor. I close my eyes and think about how there would be a room where you could hide everything. Then a door appears on the wall. I enter and she disappears again.

"Draco?" I call.

"Hi, Rose. I found it. It's up ahead, that vanishing cabinet."

He leads me to a black box. It is made of metal and decorated with numerous magnificent decorations. 

Then is the first time I really look around the room. There are several shelves full. There are piles of things everywhere that were simply thrown away. If you took just one thing out of it, everything would probably fell down on the floor. Other students must have hidden things in this room for decades that they weren't allowed to keep or that were dangerous. I also see birds flying around the room.

Then I go back to Draco. He puts an apple in the cabinet and casts a spell. I do not understand him. Then I see Draco carefully opening the door again. The apple is still there. Then Draco tries again. He opens the door again and it looks like nothing happened but the apple is missing a small piece.

"Yeah, I just have to train and then I'll get there." he says hopefully.

Then he closes the door again and repeats the spell. When the door is opened the apple is completely there again.


Very short chapter but it contains some important things for the plot and I think it's better to keep the boring chapters short and the exciting ones long.

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