Chapter 8/The idea

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We are getting on the Hogwarts Express and walk straight to the compartments for eight people but they are all already full. 

 Normally Tom would always sort it out for us because everyone has respect for him but now he is no longer there. 

 Theodore tries "Get away, this is our compartment!" 

 Then I pull him away. "We can also go to one for six. We're just-" I can't say the rest otherwise I would start crying again. 

Then we go to the sixth compartment and quickly go into the last free one. 

 There is a knock on the compartment door and a little boy says "I should tell Blaise Zabini that Professor Slughorn would like to talk to a few people including him. You should go to him in the back compartment." and then he goes away again. 

 Blaise looks at us and rolls his eyes. Then he goes out of the compartment. 

 He stays away for a while and then comes back. 

 He's just about to close the door when he says, "That thing keeps getting stuck." He tries to close it and it suddenly opens. This throws Blaise backwards and he falls on top of me. We all start laughing except Mattheo. 

 Blaise quickly gets up again and closes the door then Mattheo shouts "Leave my girlfriend alone!" 

 Then I say "Then you sit down next to the door. It's not his fault if you sit in the middle." 

 He looks at me with the look with which he always tells me 'that's exactly why I love you' and kisses me. 

 "Come on you two lovebirds. And Blaise who else was with you in Slughorn's compartment?" Draco asks 

 "Just, Mclaggen, Belby, the Weasley girl, Longbottom, Granger and Potter." Blaise replies.

"Why not me? I live in a very wealthy family," Draco replies.

"Well, I just have special gifts."

"Exactly," I say sarcastically, "maybe the gift of annoying people."

Then he says "I really wonder why you're not there, I mean you're a vampire."

With these words my mood suddenly changes. I think that everyone can see exactly how the smiles disappears from my face.

"Blaise! Yes, we joke, but only to forget the deaths of Tom and your parents and the fact that we all became Death Eaters, but stop joking about the vampire thing with Rose!  She hates this site and how much pain she had to endure because of this! So keep your mouth shut and never say anything about it again!" shouts Mattheo.

I pull him back into his seat. Because he stood up and I think if I wouldn't do that he was already strangling Blaise.

"Mattheo, it's okay. Besides, we said that we don't want to say that thing so loudly," I reassure him.

"I'm sorry honey."

"No, you're not apologizing to me, you're apologizing to Blaise," I say strongly.

"All right. Sorry Blaise."

"No! In one nice whole sentence!"

"Bla bla bla!" he says.


"I'm really sorry, Blaise," he says to Blaise, then turns to me and says, "And you shouldn't shout my real name so loudly, Rose Sophie Snape."

"I'm sorry," I say sheepishly and hope that no one has heard Mattheo's full or rather real name.

Then the train stops and we get off. I'm the last one to get out and I see Draco still sitting there.

"Are you coming?"

"No, I need a moment. I'll come later."

"Okay," I then say and quickly follow the others. We go into the great hall and sit down in our usual places.

"Where is Draco anyway?" asks Theodore.

"He said he had to do something for a moment. He'll be right there." I answer.

"What exactly is he doing?" asks Theodore.

"I don't know. Ask him yourself."

Then we sit there for a few minutes and look at the door where all the students go through.

Then we see Draco coming and he sits right next to us.

"What else did you do?" Theodore asks directly.

"Potter. He listened to us."

"What?" I say in fear.

"Did you at least clear his mind?" says Mattheo reproachfully.

"Well, let's say it in that way. I think he won't be at Hogwarts this year." says Draco.

"What did you do Draco?" says Pansy.

Then Harry comes into the hall with a bleeding nose. I look at him first, then at Draco. Then I say "DRACO! You said he wouldn't come. He heard everything we said. We're dead!"

"Sorry, I thought so." Draco defends himself.

"You thought so, Draco. If he tells anyone, we'll be kicked out of school straight away and taken straight to Azkaban after the thing with the death eaters." I say.

I'm scared and I think everyone notices it now.

"Hey, Rose. Even if Harry tells anyone, no one will believe him." Mattheo tries to calm me down.

"But Dumbledore, Dumbledore will believe him immediately."

"No, he won't be Rose. Certainly not." 

I look at him with a skeptical look.


"Rose, can you  come with me for some minutes?" Draco asks.

"Yeah what's up?"

He takes my wrist and pulls me into his dorm. He shares it with Theodore but he is in the common room with the others.

"I have an idea for Dumbledore."

"What idea?" I ask.

"Do you know the Room of Requirement?"

I nod.

"There is a Vanishing Cabinet in it. The counterpart is in borgin and burks. If the idea I have doesn't work, I or we will try it and use it to bring Death Eaters to Hogwarts."

"And what's your other idea?"

"I have a chain of borgin and burks. It is heavily enchanted and if you touch it with your bare hands you will die. I can give it to someone at the next Hogsmead weekend, or you can. And then tell that person to take the chain to Dumbledore."

"Do you really think this will work?"

"No, but if necessary there is still the vanishing cabinet."

"Okay, so shall we try next Hogsmead weekend then?"


There is a knock and then the door opens. Mattheo is standing in front of it.

"Malfoy, why are you in your room with Rose?" he asks reproachfully.

"Mattheo! It's getting annoying that you're always so skeptical. We were just discussing something about Dumbledore." I say.

"And why aren't we allowed to know about it?" Mattheo asks.

"There were a lot of people sitting in the common room and I would have found it conspicuous if we had all gone into one dormitory together. I'll tell the others later." says Draco.

Then he tells Mattheo everything.

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