Chapter 10/The second try

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The next few weeks go by quickly. And I'm on the way to Draco when Potter runs into me.

"Watch where you're going!" I hiss annoyed.

"Be careful what you do." he replies.

I'm shaky again. If I hadn't said anything. He knows exactly what we are and especially what I am.

Then I go to Draco's dorm.

"I have an idea." I say as I run in.

"What for an idea?"he asks.

"We could poison a bottle of mead and give it to Professor Dumbledore."

"Do you think this will work?"

"No, but your idea didn't work either and at least now we have another one."

"Okay, but we're only sixteen. We can't give the mead to Dumbledore." Draco replies.

"Then we'll just give it to a teacher who will then pass the mead on."

"And which one?"

"No idea." I answer, then Draco says "Maybe your father, he knows about all this and could help us."

"No, he'll think it's a bad idea but we could give it to Professor Slughorn. He wouldn't question it."

"But how?"

"Send it?" I ask.

"No, everything is checked and if there is poisoned mead in it, the package will not be sent forward." says Draco.

Then I have another idea "And if we pretend to be another student with Polyjuice Potion and then bring the mead like that and say that our parents delivered it to us and we should deliver it to him ans he to Dumbledore?"

"Yes, but then the students get into trouble."

"Since when do you think about other students Draco?"

"I don't know, but if we make it obvious that Polyjuice Potion was used then the students won't get in trouble."

"Yes," I say and then reply, "but then the students, I mean us will be searched for. We could also just write a letter and leave the letter and the bottle of mead in front of the door of Slughorn's office."

"Okay, when are we doing this?" Draco asks.

"The poison will last another week, I would do it when it's ready. That's when it will have the most effect." I answer.

"Well then in a week. You make the poison and I write the letter, then we'll leave them both together in front of Professor Slughorn's door." 

"Yes!" I then assure you.


Draco and I are in the Room of Requirement. He continues to try to make the apple disappear. He gets over half of it done on the first try.

Meanwhile I throw a few more ingredients into the poison. You have to add new ingredients every day.

"Do you think that this poison actually works?" Draco asks uncertainly.

"Yes, my father is a potions teacher, I get the best grade in every potions test and am the best in the class. At the moment I'm  the best with Potter." I say annoyed towards the end. 

Then we both carry on. The recipe for the poison looks like this:

Day 1:

7 scoops of basilisk stomach acid

Stir clockwise 7 times.

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