Chapter 7/The Training

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It's midnight. I'm on my way to the Malfoy's front yard to train. I have now decided to do so. I don't want any of my friends to die. Even if people now have to die but my friends are more important to me.

"How's the training going?" I ask.

"First you'll try to see if you can find the vampire in you even in your thoughts." says the Dark Lord.

"How to try?"

"Just try it!"

So I close my eyes and try to find the 'vampire' inside me. I look for him and stand there with my eyes closed for easily ten minutes. Then I open it again and say "I can't find anything  My Lord."

"Then let's try something different. Wormtail!" calls he.

I don't know what it would be. Somehow I'm getting scared. Then Wormtail comes into the front yard with a Muggle. I see the fear in the Muggle's eyes.

"You'll try to suck the blood. From what I know, that's how the vampire spreads."

"No, I won't do that!"I see Wormtail take Pansy and the Dark Lord point his wand at her. 

"Are you going to do it now?"

Then I nod. I can't let my best friend die.

I approach the muggle. I see the fear in his eyes getting bigger and bigger. Then I bite. I feel my front teeth growing. The vampire part I think. I hear the muggle screaming. I want to stop but I can't. The blood tastes too delicious, much too delicious. Then the muggle falls over. I pull my teeth out of him again and they shrink. 

I wipe the blood from my mouth and kneel next to the muggle. I hope he's still alive but his heart doesn't beat anymore. I just killed an innocent person.

"That's it for today. You can go back inside with Pansy." hisses the Dark Lord.

On the way in I start to cry. "Pansy, what have I done? I killed an innocent person."

"No Rose, you had no choice. There's nothing you can do about it." 

In my room I look in the mirror. I see my clothes, they are soaked in blood and there is something dripping down my chin. Then I go into the shower and wash myself. 


I'm standing there, it's midnight again. I've been training every day for two weeks now. 

Today it's happening for the first time. When I enter the night air and try once again to look for the vampire in me, it comes out. Without me having to kill anyone. I must have killed twenty innocent people in the last few days. 

I'm looking for the vampire and then I notice how my teeth are growing without me doing anything. I look into a puddle on the ground and see nothing. No reflection. The Dark Lord cuts me with a spell and it doesn't hurt. I look at the spot and only see some blood which dissappears fast. I'm happy, I know that I don't have to kill anyone anymore. 

Then the Dark Lord says "Well, you can now become a vampire but you have to train it during the day, you have to train to be able to transform during the day too. We'll meet here again tomorrow at noon."


I'm standing outside in the front yard again at midday. 

I try to transform again and it works but it burns my skin. I quickly transform back.

"You have to try to become only half a vampire. The half you can attack with. Not the vulnerable half."

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