Chapter 17: Missing Milo

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Chapter 17: Missing Milo
A week passed and Agni continued staying in the castle. Mylah was trying to understand why. Norman was finally able to find a place of his own in a nice cottage that was close but not too close from the dark forest so he could easily visit Nerine. Norman was walking alone in the light forest because recently he had become more fond of nature and its beauty. Lau was all alone in the light forest resting near a tree. All Lau could think about was Milo. It had been a week or so since anyone heard from him which was extremely unusual. He knew what made Milo run but he wasn't sure why. The only one who knew about the kiss the two boys shared was Nerine but Norman was suspicious of what had happened between Lau and Milo and started to think it could've been something about them having feelings for each other. He was right. Norman wasn't very close with Milo or Lau but he sensed there was something possibly going on between them. As Norman made his way through the light forest he stumbled upon Lau. He was laying under a tree and staring off into space with a sad look on his face. Norman walked over to him and sat down. "Hey kid," said Norman. "Oh hi Norman. What are you doing here?" Lau asked. "I was just wandering through the forest, taking in nature." Norman replied. "Huh," Lau said in disbelief. "What? I'm a changed man." Norman laughed. "Guess you have no choice since you don't live in your fancy castle anymore." Lau said, laughing. "Hey, when did you get sassy and talkative?" Norman questioned. "Well I've always been that way. I'm just kind of shy." Lau explained. Norman laughed and put his hand on Lau's shoulder. "I'm sorry that Milo ran off. I can help you look for him if you want." Norman said, softly. Lau sighed sadly. "Today I found this note that Milo left. He said to not look for him and that he was leaving but he didn't say where." Lau explained, wiping tears from his eyes.  Norman felt a pang of sadness for Lau as he listened to him talk about Milo. He could see how much Lau cared for his friend and how lost he felt without him. Norman knew that he had to do something to help Lau find Milo. "Listen, Lau," Norman said, his voice filled with determination. "I know Milo said not to look for him, but I can't just sit back and do nothing. We need to find him and make sure he's okay." Lau looked up at Norman, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Norman. I don't know what I would do without you." Norman smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Lau. We'll find Milo, I promise." Norman and Lau gathered all of their friends to help search for Milo. Nerine, Wraith, Mylah, and even Agni. They began to search everywhere possible in the kingdom. They looked high and low. Throughout every forest and every building in the kingdom. They had searched almost every single place but still could not find him. They spent 1 year together searching for him. One day Norman and Agni were searching in a place where they haven't looked everywhere. It was a forest called "fire forest". It was home to fire fairies including Agni. "I've surprisingly enjoyed teaming up with you to find your friend. Although I did not expect us to still be looking after all this time." Agni said as they made their way through "fire forest". "Thanks." Norman laughed. "I know that you probably don't want to do this but Lau really needs our help finding Milo. He cares about Milo so much. I feel really bad for Lau." Norman explained. "I'm fine with helping really. It's not like I have that much to do anyways. Lau seems like a good kid. It's very strange that his friend just ran off. Do you know why?" Agni asked. "I'm not really sure. Something bad could've happened because he didn't really have a good reason to just run away forever. Milo cares too much about Lau to leave him forever. At least I think so." Norman said. Agni half smiled and stood in front of Norman who looked very worried. Agni looked into Normans eyes, leaned towards Norman with a soft smile and
moved hair out of Norman's face and tucked it behind his ears. Norman's face softened. He felt safe and calm with Agni. When they first met Agni was a lot. Very chaotic and angry looking. But now that they have grown so close, Norman saw that Agni is really sweet and gentle. He started thinking he could possibly have a crush on Agni but he wasn't sure. The way that Agni looked at him wasn't the way that friends look at each other but Norman was unsure.  As Norman and Agni ventured deeper into the "fire forest," the air around them grew warmer and the trees seemed to glow with an intense fiery light. Agni led the way, his wings flickering with flames as he navigated through the dense forest with ease. Norman could feel the heat radiating off Agni, but instead of feeling uncomfortable, he was drawn to the fire fairy's warmth and energy.
Suddenly, a group of strange creatures emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with malice. Norman's heart raced as he realized they were surrounded. Agni stood protectively in front of him, his fiery wings casting a warm glow around them. The creatures advanced, their claws bared and ready to attack. In a quick and calculated move, Agni summoned a powerful blaze of fire, engulfing the creatures and sending them scurrying away in fear. Norman watched in awe as Agni displayed his strength and power, his heart swelling with admiration for the fire fairy. "Thanks, Agni," Norman said, his voice filled with gratitude. Agni turned to face him, his eyes glittering with determination. "We need to keep moving. Milo may be in danger, and we can't let anything stop us from finding him." As they continued their journey through the "fire forest," Norman couldn't shake the feeling of closeness he felt with Agni. There was something about the fire fairy that drew him in, something that made his heart race and his pulse quicken. Agni noticed that Norman looked nervous so he grabbed his hand which made Norman blush. They both stood next to each other for a moment until they decided to run as quickly as they could out of the forest, still holding onto each other's hand. They let go as they left the forest, but Norman still found himself drawn to Agni, his heart pounding in his chest. In a moment of courage and clarity, he leaned in and pressed his lips against Agni's, a surge of warmth and electricity coursing through him. Agni hesitated for a moment, his eyes wide with surprise, but then he returned the kiss with a depth of passion and longing that took Norman's breath away. In that moment, surrounded by the glow of the fire forest and the warmth of Agni's embrace, Norman knew that he had found something special and rare. As they pulled away, their eyes met in a silent understanding. Without a word, they took each other's hands again and continued to run, their hearts full of hope and promise. Together, they would continue their search for Milo, but now with a newfound bond that would guide them through whatever challenges lay ahead. And with that, their journey continued, filled with adventure, danger, and the unbreakable bond that would carry them through it all.

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