Chapter 14 : Wanna be...

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Chapter 14 :
| Wanna be... |

"Are you gonna tell me what happened ?" said Bianca looking at her best friend with a sad expression.

After she told her she had killed someone, the two best friends sat down on the ground, against the wall. The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, causing an eerie silence to envelop them. The world seemed to pause for a moment, as if time itself had frozen in response to the shocking confession.

Ariel had her knees to her body, head between her legs, crying. The weight of her emotions seemed unbearable as tears streamed down her face, wetting the fabric of her t-shirt. It felt as her world was crashing down around her, leaving her feeling lost and helpless.

As they sat there, side by side, the concrete wall provided a comforting support, grounding them amidst the chaos of emotions. Bianca's mind raced, desperately searching for the right words to say, while her heart ached for her friend's anguish.

Finally, Bianca mustered the strength to break the silence, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and concern. "AJ... how... how did this happen?
Who... who did you...?" Her voice trailed off, unable to form the words that hung heavy in her mind.

Ariel looked up, tears streaming down her face, her eyes filled with a haunting sense of regret. "I didn't mean for this to happen, Bi'. It was an accident," she choked out between sobs. Her voice was filled with desperation, seeking some form of understanding and forgiveness.

Bianca took a deep breath, trying to process the weight of Ariel's words. She knew she had to remain calm and supportive, even though her mind was racing with questions. "Tell me everything, Ariel. I need to understand what happened..."

"I can't...." she started, turning her head the other way around. "I can't tell least not right now....please Bianca..." Ariel pleaded,

"You need to tell someone," she said, getting up from the cold ground. "If not me, your best friend, then Scott or Stiles." Bianca said earnestly, trying to convince Ariel of the options available to her.

"No ! Not them !" she yelled, getting up from the ground, whipping her tears. "Not them...."

"Why not them ?" Bianca asked, her voice filled with concern. She watched as her friend struggled to regain composure, wiping away the tears that stained her cheeks.

"Because...." she said without any explanations. She was not ready to tell anyone she was a tribrid.

"Okay then," Bianca smiled before going back to the classroom. "I'm gonna go get the cute guy !" she yelled, disappearing from her vision.

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