The Death Of Me

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Daltons Prov.

Man she hasn't talked to me in like two fucking weeks, like who does that?. It was just head she acting like I fucked the damn girl. I tried texting, calling, even at school all she do is ignore me. My phone been vibrating for a while now, I looked at who was blowing up my phone, no other than Monica.

I layed on my back looking up at the ceiling just thinking, why am I so worked up about this Girl. I can have anyone in the fucking world... but I want her. I sighed cloesing my eyes and started thinking of a plan to get her back. After a while laying on the bed sleep took over me and I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning just ready to get my girl back. Im gonna make her mine one way or another. I took a shower and put my clothes on just a regular boring Monday, I wore some dark blue jeans and normal t-shirt that matched with some shoes, nothing fancy.

I ran downstairs grabbing a apple and a bottle of water out the fridge.

"Well good morning to you to" said my mom cooking breakfast

"Morning mama" I kissed her cheek and sat next to Scar at the kitchen table.

"Hey Scar" I smiled watching her color in her coloring book.

"Morning" she looked up at me with a smile.



"Where's dad" I asked turning around

"He went to work a little early this morning"

"Oh" was all I said

"Mhm... you eating breakfast here this morning"?

"Nah I'm gonna go to school early today to change my schedule around" I said standing up grabbing keys and backpack and headed for the door.

"Alright Mama loves you" she yelled since I was about the step out the door

"Right back at cha" I yelled. I hopped in my car turned the radio on and headed to school.

Rochelle Prov.

"Alright class I talked with your other business teachers were having a project going on" as soon as she said project I felt like I wanted to throw up. I don't work well with people I don't know especially when they wanna talk about my weight.

"I'll be pairing you guys up boy and girl now write what's on the board" said Mrs. Scott. Even better I get to hear a boy harass about my weigh. As I was writing I heard the door open I didn't bother to look up.

"Class looks like we got a new student added to my class" I looked up and saw it was him.
I looked at Mrs.Scott and saw her handed his schedule back and directed him to a seat on the other side of the class. What was Dalton doing in my class? I asked my myself, I haven't him or talked in like two weeks.

I guess he spotted me looking at him and he gave me a devilish smirk. I sunk down in my seat trying to avoid eye contact with him, key word trying.

"Now that we have a new student in my class everything will go as plan, I was one short" she said smiling.

"When I call your names go sit with your partner and get started"

"Kevin and Chloe"

"Mellian and Joe"

"Donny and Clair

"Dasiah and Michael

"Shawn and Kate

"Rochelle and Dalton" Fuck was all I could say through my head. Lord you must really hate, what have I done? I go to church, I pray I praise your holy name but why father? I put my head down listening to the teacher call out the rest of the names.

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