Today Was a Long Day

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Excuse Mistakes.

Rochelle Prov.

"Are you ok?" asked Jamie.

"I'm fine wassup with y'all?" I asked through facetime.

"No your not, you look a little pale. Are you sick?" Ask Tati.

"No I'm fine" I sighed in aggravation.

"Hmm. Lose the attitude" said Jamie I playfully rolled my eyes laughing at him.

"So how's your nigga?" ask Tati.

"Who my nigga?" I played dumb.

"Bitch. The one you be with every fucking day of the week, can't even hang with us no more" said added Jamie.

"My bad I've been busy guys" I said truthfully. "With school, Dalton , my parents and everything else."

"We know, we just need to hang out a little but more" said Tati. I nodded at her response while doing my homework.

"What college's have y'all applied to so far" ask Jamie. I looked at the camera seeing him pull out his laptop and typing away.

"Weeell..." Tati dragged out. "I've applied for in state and out state". She told us.

"I did to" I mentioned.

"I'm still waiting on their letters back, I just hope I get in" said Jamie.

"And you will , don't stress over it" I told him. "You got good behind grades and GPA high as I don't know what".

"She right Jay" Tati told him.

"Yall bitches already know I'm finna SLAY! to the Gawwds in college. Don't sleep on me now" he said feeling himself.

"I've been sleep while you playing" Tati laughed.

"Here we go" I whispered.

"Your bitch ass always ruining something good" he yelled through the phone.

"Who the fuck you think you talking to" she raised her voice.

"YOU HOE!" he yelled back.

"Guys let's not do this ri-"

"No, I'm sick and tired of her hating like really bitch?" He said putting his face all in the camera. I was laughing cause you could see a booger in his left nostril.

"Nigga get your snotty noise out the damn camera" she said.

"Get your camera out my noise" he said so serious causing me and Tati to bust out laughing.

"I'm done with y'all hoes" he hung up leaving me and Tati alone.

"You heard from Sky?".

"Nah. How about you?".

"Nope" I popped the p.

"You ask Da'vontae?".

"Yeah. He said he haven't heard from her either".

"I feel like something going on and she not telling us" I nodded at what she said while organizing my papers.

"You coming to church this Sunday?" She asked me.

"Yeah I haven't been their in a while"

"Alright see you later boo".

"Bye Tati" I hung up and fell back on my bed looking at the ceiling.
With my birthday coming up I have to start planning what am I doing.

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