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Rochelle Prov.

I connected my phone with the charger and made my way to the shower. I tied my hair up and looked in the mirror, I've been smiling and laughing more than I usually do.

Dalton and I became extremely close with each other. From kissing more in public to getting all touchy touchy with each other. He calls me beautiful each and every day, he shows me being different is good and I'm slowly starting to believe him.

To be honest I've been losing weight to. I don't know if it's not eating and starving myself or the attention he's giving me.

I quickly got undress and stepped in the shower. I washed myself up with my sugar velvet body wash I got from bath and body works. It's smells so sweet like candy.

After a good 25 minutes I was done, I stepped out and applied the body cream. I looked in my closet and spotted my baby blue blouse and white jeans. I putted on my undergarments and started getting dress.

After I was done I looked for my baby blue vans and put them on. I stood in front of mirror smiling at myself. I looked up at my hair and put half of it up and half down and applied some edge control on my edges.

I hurried and sprayed the sugar velvet perfume while grabbing my phone and headed downstairs.

"Umm miss where you think your going?" my dad stopped me in my tracks with his haitian accent. I saw him sitting on the couch watching CNN News.

"To Dalton's house, his mom invited me for dinner".

"How's basketball going for him?".

"Pretty good".

"When the first game?".

"Like next week".

"Alright I'll be there, and I'll tell your mom that you stepped out" I nodded and grabbed My keys off the counter. Yes that's right your bitch got her whip for her birthday on November 5th. (B.T.W my birthday was on November 5th, shout out to all my Scorpios♏ I turned 15 finally ).

I turned 18 and my parents promised me when I'm 18 they'll get me the car of my dreams. An all white 2016 Nissan Altima with cream leather seats. By the time I got in the car it was 5:45, I quickly started the car and my way to his house.

I stood I'm front if the door step making sure I looked cute or at least decent. I rung the door bell and waited for someone to answer, a few seconds later Mama Bri open the door with her apron on.

"I'm glad you can make it" she smiled giving me a hug. She let me in and started walking to the kitchen. I followed her and peeked through the dinning room and seen candles, cake, wine and beautiful dinner plates along with silverware.

"What's the occasion Mama Bri?".

"Well my husband haven't been home for dinner for the pass 2 months now , and this morning he promised he'll make it so I made his favorite" she opened the oven and the smell of ribs hit my noise.

"Ribs with cheddar mash potatoes green beans and corn bread" she placed the tray of ribs on kitchen counter.

"Sounds wonderful. Need any help?".

"I'm fine. Go upstairs and find Dalton, dinner should be ready in 30" I nodded and made my way upstairs.

I walked down the hallway and seen a room which I think is his. I twisted the door handle and seen pink and green walls. Teddy bears and baby dolls and posters of tinker bell.

I'm guessing this is Scarletts room, I said to myself. I seen another door and heard the shower running. I opened it and came face to face with Daltons room. His room was simple but nice. He had navy blue walls and brown bed set. On top of his drawer had pictures and a alarm clocks and certificates.

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