Long Time No See

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Rochelle Prov.

Kavenswood High written in plain black bold letters, the high school of hell. While unstrapping my seatbelt I turned to my mother getting ready to say goodbye.

"You ready chelle (shell)" she said with a wide smile showing her pretty white teeth.

"Umm n..not really but I gotta pull through it you know?". I sighed

Turning my head towards the window the direction of the front gate where all the students were laughing, talking and playing around.

After the awkward silence that filled the car I stepped out the vehicle.

"Well bye mommy see you in 6 hours and 50 minutes and 39s...38s..37s.." I counted down.

"Okay bye honey love you" she said while laughing and driving off.

Walking onto campus was pretty decent no one really noticed me.

"Rochelle" I heard somebody screamed I turned to see who it was. Mt friends Sky, Jamie and Tati running towards me.

"We missed you boo!".

"I missed you guys to how was y'all summer break"?.

They all starting talking at the same time all I heard was Blah Blah Blah Blah.

"Guys don't talk all at once I could barly hear my own damn self think!" I yelled.

"Bitch you starting the New school year with the wrong one cause bey-bey" Jamie argued. I know what y'all thinking is Jamie gay? Yes he is I don't find nothing wrong with that, but over all he's a chill and cool person to talk to or hang with.

"Jamie get your dirty ass finger out that girl face, shit probably stink anyways " said Tati, Sky and I were laughing so hard tears were rolling down our faces. Jamie and Tati always get into it with each other, their like Martin and Pam they never stop arguing.

"Bitch you want it to? Jamie faced her.

"Nah hoe" she said while throwing a punch at his noise, all you heard was Bop!

"Students please stop horse playing and get to class or you will be written up" said the hallway teacher Mr.Ross.

"Aright" we all said "I'll see y'all at lunch" said Jamie.

The Life of A Big GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon