7. She's Mine

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About a year later, Seongjun started to change bit by bit and started to learn how to become selfless like Hyeyeong. At Soosung Group, Hyeyeong continued working for him as the president of Soosung Group. But suddenly a male employee started to flirt with Hyeyeong. "Secretary Kim you are the most attractive woman I ever laid my eyes on you," he said. "President Choi is dating me, why don't you leave me alone as I'm busy working. Why don't you go back to your work?" Hyeyeong asked. Seongjun came out of his office. "Hey, she's mine. Go back to which section you're from," said Seongjun. The man left. "Secretary Kim, are you alright?" Seongjun. "President Choi, thank goodness you're here. I'm so embarrassed that this man just flirted with me," she said. "He can't take you because you're mine and no one can take you from me," he said.

After work, another man flirted with Hyeyeong. "Can't you see, she's mine? She said no. No is no, back off. Stop looking at others and mind your own business," said Seongjun. The man left. "Men, they did this to me when I was in college," said Hyeyeong. "Did it happen very often?" Seongjun asked. "So many times men flirted with me out on the streets but I'm picky when it comes to relationships," she said. "You do set your own standards," he said. "Young men can be so hormonal when they see me, even men who are older than me," she said. "Well, no one can take you from me," he said.

Hyeyeong's P.O.V
Thank goodness, President Choi saw me getting hit on by other men. When I was a young girl in elementary school, lots of boys were so terrified of my brothers when they were trying to be close to me. My brothers would scare them off. In middle school and high school, I only went to girls only schools. In college, it was women only. But I went to America in 1988 on my own at Hockaday School, which is also girls only school in Texas for two years after I returned to Seoul in 1991 because I felt homesick and my brothers were so protective of me. After I graduated from Jungang Girls High School, I attended Ewha Woman's University and successfully graduated. That was why I never had time for men back then until I became Seongjun's sweetheart.

(End of P.O.V)

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