Chapter 2 - Life Finds a way.

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"Azmodeus!" A voice would shout, seemingly waking him up.

"Huh?!" Azmodeus shouted, waking up and quickly standing up.

"Oh, thankgod you're alright." A girl with blue skin and a dark black robe covering her body said, hugging him tightly.

"Madeline? What are you doing here?! How did you get past the huge creature!" Azmodeus shouted, now extremely worried.

"That creature...?" Madeline pointed to her left, an absolutely humungous skeleton laying there, it was the creature before which had killed azmodeus.

"Yeah..." azmodeus' jaw dropped slightly, he clenched his fists and looked around confused, quickly looking back at Madeline, "what happened...? Why isn't kazuki with you?"

"Let me give you the full story." Madeline responded, now slightly smiling at azmodeus'.

An unknown amount of time ago...
Inside of Azmodeus' Castle, He was revived by Madeline a while ago.

"You good mate?" Ku asked, clearly worried for his friend

"Not too bad... this headache is killing me though." Azmodeus clutched his forehead, rubbing it slightly as he clenched his eyes shut.

"Azmodeus, what happened to you?" Madeline asked curiously, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Ku would answer for him, quickly responding with, "We got attacked by some punk in the desert, he was able to Kill Azmodeus and beat the hell out of him."

Azmodeus stood up, not saying anything, remembering the fight he had been in yesterday. "I'm going to 'The Cave of Mezameru', Jet warned me not to go there but what does he know?! He hasn't died 3 times." Azmodeus' Mentality and Sanity were starting to break and shatter the more and more beatings he took.

Present time, back in the cave of Mezameru.

"After you left for the cave of Mezameru, we prayed for you but, you died anyway. We knew you were dead for sure since you never returned. 2 years after your death, something catastrophic happened, a giant glowing yellow tree emerged from underneath the castle in the citadel, along with that tree, hundreds of thousands of knights crawled from out of the ground, their armour seemed to be made out of molten rock and was dripping with lava... they looked ancient so, I began calling them the 'Ancient Knights' and that tree, along with those ancient knights have been here for 2 more years." Madeline explained, holding azmodeus' hand the entire time.

"What are you trying to say Madeline..." azmodeus asked, trying to deny the truth he knew deep down inside.

"Azmodeus, you have been dead for 4 years."


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