Chapter 12 - Last Resort

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Azmodeus woke up on a bed, Kage was asleep on a chair beside him. Azmodeus' wounds were fully healed and he felt amazing. Azmodeus slowly sat up from his bed, getting out and stretching, looking out the window, they were on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean, it was beautiful...

A knock came from the front door, and Azmodeus spun around,  his heart racing, Kage then woke up from his slumber and slowly rubbed his eyes out of tiredness. he arose from his chair, "I'll get it..." he said as he stretched.

Kage left the room with azmodeus following behind him, he opened the door without hesitation, and a woman stood there, she was crazy tall for a woman, azmodeus thought.

"Fumiko!" Kage said loudly, his voice filled with excitement, he let her in and introduced Azmodeus to her, "Azmodeus, this is Fumiko."

"Hi, Fumiko..." Azmodeus slowly and tiredly greeted, quickly realizing that he needed to get back to Kazuki because it's been ages since they last saw each other.

"Hello Azmodeus, how are-" She was about to ask him how he was until he moved so fast his body basically blinked, he zoomed through the forests, hills, rivers, and spots of water, and after 5-10 minutes he reached the house on the beach again, out of breath he traipsed over to the front door where he saw Madeline sat there, her hood was up and her head rested in her hands, she was crying.

"Madeline...?" He said quietly, Madeline's head slowly raising, her eyes were red from how much she was crying, she hurriedly stood up and ran into Azmodeus' arms, hugging him tight.

"Madeline what's wrong...?" Azmodeus hugged her back, scared that something had happened to Kazuki whilst he was gone.


"Ai let's go get some money cuh." Lucio sighed, getting up from his crooked wooden chair and leaving the basement with Katsuno, Yue still in there, chained to her seat and angry as fuck.

"Where was the place again?" Lucio asked Katsuno, now standing in the Garden out the back of the mansion.

"Pretty sure it was Heavens Gate." Katsuno replied as he left the basement, taking a bounty poster out from his pocket and checking the location, "yeah it is."

"It's been... a while... since I last went there..." Lucio thought about what happened last time he was there and his heart sank but he pushed his feelings away and grabbed onto Katsuno's arm, a white flashing summoning circle appearing underneath them, after around 20 seconds, they teleported to Heavens Gate, although now it was in ruin,  dead angels laid on the ground along with dead Ancient Knights.

"Funny how I've never been here before, I shoulda visited before it got annihilated." Katsuno thought, picking up a small ripped-up picture of Heavens Gate from before the Ardtree's return.

" Katsuno thought, picking up a small ripped-up picture of Heavens Gate from before the Ardtree's return

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"aight so this guy... is a spirit? how are we supposed to kill a spirit?" Katsuno dropped the photo of what Heavens Gate used to look like, walking along a long bridge and looking up at the destroyed but amazing castle.

"I mean this guy's got a pretty big bounty, there's prolly more people on this island right now tryna get it." Lucio pondered, walking in front of Katsuno and not admiring the scenery one bit, he seemed to hate this place, "Maybe someone has some spirit killing shi- Yo, wait isn't a spirit just a wandering soul if you really deep it?" 

"Basically yeah- hey wait, last time you came here... didn't you get jumped by some random guys?" Katsuno asked, seeing if Lucio has fully got his memory back, stretching his arms out, and continuing to walk across the bridge. 

"yeah, and I won." Lucio responded he had indeed got his memory back fully. the two had finally reached the end of the bridge, entering the main city area where they saw two men fighting each other, one had a katana and the other had a great axe, "yo what?"

katsuno also spotted a ghostly figure behind them laughing his head off, he must've been the spirit that they've been tasked to kill, "Alright then, let go." Katsuno sighed, 

Lucio walked up to the two fighting, backfisting the man with the katana in the head, his head flying off of his shoulders and his body falling to the ground. Katsuno walked up to the one carrying the great axe, tapping him with his finger, his body suddenly vibrating furiously, he screamed out in agony and then exploded, his crimson red blood splattering over the floor and over katsuno and Lucio.

they stood in front of the Spirit, and it stopped laughing, Lucio threw his fist into the spirit's face in a split second, the punch phasing through the spirit's head, and he let out another laugh. the spirit then kicked Lucio, turning around, and running away into the castle, lucio didn't even move, he just looked confused.

"Bro what." Katsuno watched the spirit run into the castle, as confused as Lucio was, he scratched the back of his head, thinking of a way to kill this spirit until, Lucio spoke up, "There's no need, I know someone." Lucio said with a smile on his face, he seemed to be calling someone on the phone, but there was no phone to be seen. His eyes started flashing green...

Lucio's words were too quiet for katsuno to hear and it'd look weird for him if he just randomly leaned into Lucio to listen in.  his eyes eventually returned to normal and everything was silent for a few seconds, the spirit continued to run to the castle, thinking he was gonna get away.

suddenly, a purple portal opened up in the sky, a woman diving out from it, holding a katana that had a strange white glow coming off of it. she sliced through the spirit and landed on the floor next to its body, the spirit then began to fade away, into the Everlong sky to where it could finally rest.


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