Chapter 5 - The Past

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"It's all in the past now... and now that im stronger, I can beat him... calm the fuck down." azmodeus spoke to himself, taking deep breaths, then continuing onwards, past the house and into the destroyed village.

"Well... it looks like nobody has been here in years..." he'd say to himself, looking around to try tot find any sort of life. he'd then spot a couple of footprints that led out of the village and through the forest.

he immediately followed the trail of footprints, keeping a close eye on where they were heading. he'd then end up in front of what seemed to be a cave. he'd create a ball of black and white fire, entering the dark cave, the fire casting its warming light into the surrounding area, lighting up the cave.

he'd eventually spot an orange light from at the bottom of the cave, he'd disperse the black & white ball of fire from his hand, rushing down the cave and over to the light.

once he reached it, there was a bald man, wearing monk attire. he was sat on the floor, his hands clasped together, he seemed to be meditating. the campfire in front of him crackled as azmodeus slowly approached him from behind.

"Hello, Azmodeus." the man said, patting a spot on the floor next to him.

"Hello... how do you know my name?" Azmodeus asked, moving and sitting next to him.

"I just guessed." the man said, chuckling slightly.

"right..." Azmodeus laughed nervously, looking around the cave and then looking back to the man, "You're lewis right?"

"yes, I am indeed Lewis." Lewis replied, looking at Azmodeus and giving him a soft smile.

"Not to be rude but, I need to get this done quick so I'll just cut to the chase. I need you to give me all the information that you have on this world's past." Azmodeus asked, his tone of voice now becoming more serious and clearer.

"What a Big request indeed but I'll try to make it quick for thee." He'd chuckle, "When this world began, there was chaos, monsters and demons roamed throughout this accursed land, until a woman called 'Alina' arrived and created a symbol of peace, a giver of life, the Ardtree. She shared her power with the ardtree and when it came all demons and monsters simply... disappeared and people could finally live their lives. But when a new power, a power to destroy and give life at will is introduced into the natural cycle of life, people needn't rest? No, people needed more power, more, more, more. Although the ardtree had disposed of demons and monsters, it hadn't disposed of evil as a whole. So, people began travelling to the ardtree to enter it and take Alina's power and become a god, people fought over the ardtree and as Alina watched it all unfold, she knew she couldn't hath done a thing to prevent this atrocity without murdering them all. A war, centred on gaining the power of the Ardtree raged on for 100 years.
Alina bid farewell to me, her most loyal disciple and disappeared along with the ardtree and all of the people fighting over its power. And around 3000 years later, here we are."

"Wow, I have a lot of questions but I uh gotta go." Azmodeus scurried to his feet frantically and then waved goodbye to Lewis, standing up and running out of the cave.

"He doesn't know what's coming for him..." Lewis muttered as he blankly watched him run out of the cave, "I can tell this man is going to affect the future of our world..."


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