Chapter 9 - I Dreamt for so long

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Katsuno and Lucio had stormed the castle. Lucio, not wanting to kill anyone blocked any attacks from reaching Katsuno with blue, an attack he created with his gravity element.

Katsuno ripped through each knight, shattering their armour and mangling their body into a small meatball of flesh to kill them instantly with him just having to touch their skin for this to take place. Katsuno knew Lucio had definitely lost his memory in some way or another.

Katsuno shouted at Lucio, "Use all of your strength to protect me whilst I do this!" He said as he slammed his fingers into the floor, making contact with an unbelievably small amount of soil, but that's all he needed. Suddenly, the ground was enveloped in dirt, mud and soil, then the entire room was. He grabbed Lucio, shoved him to the floor and stomped his foot onto the floor, spikes of hardened soil with the properties of steel shot out from underneath every knight in his vicinity, killing them all.

"I wish we didn't have to kill them..." Lucio sighed with pure guilt and sadness in his voice, he stood up and looked around the blood and dirt covered room turning around and walking through a door deeper into the castle.

Katsuno followed behind him, sighing. He looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was following and then when he looked back to where lucio was, he was gone, "Lucio? Where you at-" He then felt a hand on his shoulder and presumed that it was Lucio just joking around.

Lucio then walked out from behind the door and back into the room Katsuno is in with a strange key in his hand, "what do you think this opens?"

"WAIT-" Katsuno then dropped to the floor, his arms, wrists and hands twisting and mangling. He screamed in pain as his legs met the same fate, he dropped to the floor and as the hand moved up to his head, Katsuno fell unconscious.

"KATSUNO!" Lucio screamed as he looked up from the key he had in his hand, hearing his screams. He saw that it was Yue who stood behind Katsuno, a disgusting grin formed on her face as she saw the look of realisation on Lucio's face, he knew he was cooked. 💯🔥🙏


Ku had used his element to melt through the cell walls to free himself and the other prisoners the moment he heard the fighting upstairs, he cauterised the wound where his arm was severed to it wouldn't bleed out aswell. He searched around the floor he was on, quickly realising he's in the castles dungeon and Azmodeus has to be down here somewhere. He went around freeing all the prisoners, trying to find Azmodeus.

"I need my energy back so I can start to regenerate this arm... I'll find Azmodeus and get out of here." Ku muttered to himself, dashing down different hallways and through different doors until he eventually ran through the door into where Azmodeus was being held.

"Ku...?" Azmodeus shouted with happiness, "do you know how to get these seals off of me?!"

With ku's amazing eyesight, he could clearly make out what type of seal was holding him there, it was created by Artificial Arcane Energy, meaning Azmodeus could easily remove them, "they're made out of a special type of Arcane Energy, you can remove them yourself!"

"So I could have just done that the whole time? Jeez." Azmodeus sighed, the seals shattering, Azmodeus blasted flames from his feet and hands to boost him over to the ledge where Ku stood.

"Let's get the hell out of here, eh mate?" Ku suggested, a smile growing on his face as he pat azmodeus shoulder and left the room with him.

Back with Lucio and Katsuno.

Yue dashed at Lucio, reeling her right arm back, a grin growing on her face, knowing this would be an easy kill.

Lucio flung his arms up into the air to cover his face in fear, but luckily Katsuno woke back up, his body parts untwisting and healing. He out-sped Yue, grabbing Lucio and moving him out of her way, then dashing back over to Yue, spinning and smashing his fist into her jaw, black and red sparks flying all over the room the moment his fist made contact with her.

Yue fell to the floor, her jaw dislocated. She quickly stood back up, snapping her jaw back into place and dashing at Katsuno, grabbing him by the shoulders and diving through a stone wall with him into the courtyard.

Lucio looked around, then as he went to follow Katsuno to help him he saw two people in the corner of his eye, he quickly redirected his vision and looked at them, "you two need to get out of here, it's not safe!" Lucio shouted to the two people with concern in his voice.

The two people were Ku and Azmodeus. They both stared at Lucio, with a blank face, Azmodeus became enraged, "It's you."

Ku quickly spoke up, grabbing Azmodeus' shoulder, "Listen I'm surprised that HE is somehow here at the same time as us okay? I also hate him with a passion but we don't have time for this, we're both hurt!"

"Huh?" Lucio now turned his entire body and attention to them, confused on why they were talking this way to him.

"What, don't remember me? I guess it has been a while hasn't it Lucio. It's me, Azmodeus." Azmodeus raised his voice, anger and rage filling his veins, his ego is his fatal flaw and will eventually lead him to his death.

Lucio heard the word Azmodeus and entered a trance, his eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly, his arms fell limp and his pupils dilated, he then suddenly fell to one knee, he was breathing heavily and seemed to be having a panic attack.

The noise coming from Lucio then stopped, he let out one final breath and his entire aura changed, the air began vibrating and Ku felt a shiver down his spine and instinctively moved his hand to his back out of what seemed to be trauma...?

"ahh... I dreamt for so long..." Lucio said clearly, no emotion in his voice. He slowly rose from one knee and stood up straight, glaring at azmodeus with a disturbing look, "my blood rotted and my mind weakened day by day. Corpse after corpse, left in my wake... As I tried to remember."

"Azmodeus Magne..." Lucio took a step forward, the ground shaking slightly, a sharp ringing sound entering ku and azmodeus' ears, "You will witness, true horror."


Elementals 4 - Age Of Chaosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें