Chapter 4 - Memories

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"Kazuki!" Azmodeus shouted, turning to him and smiling, "You good man?"

Madeline would smile and cross her arms.

"You're alive... I can't believe it..." Kazuki mumbled weakly, putting on a weak smile, his eyes were just barely open, "Listen... save the rest for when you come back..."

"Come back...? From where?" Azmodeus asked, very confused as to what Kazuki meant by that.

"I need you to do me a favor..." Kazuki mumbled, then coughing up a strange orange substance, "I need you to go to the snow village and find a man... he goes by the name, 'Lewis'... although I don't even know if that's his real name... he's a strange man."

"And why do I need to pay this man a visit?" Azmodeus asked, he was willing to do it but was just curious on why, and Kazuki hadn't even told him what he had to do with Lewis.

"He knows the secrets of the past... learn them and come back... please Azmodeus." Kazuki mumbled, coughing up more of that strange orange substance.

"Alright." Azmodeus turned around, opening the door and as he was about to leave the house, Madeline grabbed his shoulder.

"I'll be waiting for you." She said with a serious tone of voice, letting go of his shoulder a few seconds later, and allowing him to leave the house.

Azmodeus left the beach, zooming through the forest, he'd start talking to himself, "The snow village... bad memories there... that's the place where... I fought..."


A man was traveling up a huge, steep mountain, with a huge castle atop it, that was his goal.
"Whew, almost there." The man would smile, looking up at the castle and continuing to walk up.

"This hike is always so tiring... I hope Alina has prepared food..." the man would think to himself, reaching the castle and entering through a barely open big gate.

He'd walk through the castle's garden and into the main building, a woman stood in front of him, she had been waiting for his arrival.
"Lucio, thou has finally returned." Alina said, her face instantly lighting up with a smile, she ran up to him, opening out her arms and hugging him tight.

"I missed you too Alina." Lucio would hug her back, kissing her on the cheek, smiling slightly.

They'd both pull away from the hug, and Alina would look up into Lucio's eyes with love, "Lucio, I hath made a meal for thyself and I too."

"Aw, thank you Alina. You're so cute with your words." Lucio smiled brightly, giggling slightly, screaming with happiness inside because food had been all he'd dreamt about whilst climbing up the mountain.

"Oh, thou needn't be preposterously sweet." Alina would giggle, kissing Lucio on the lips, wrapping her arms around his neck, a few seconds later she'd break the kiss, grabbing his hand and leading him to the main dining hall.

a few minutes would pass, and they'd have started eating their steak, broccoli, and carrots with authentic gravy drizzled atop.

alina would've been munching on her well-done steak, trying to swallow it but can't due to how chewy this part of the steak was. "ugh, thee needn't be so chewy!" she'd exclaim, Lucio then giggling slightly as he watched her try to eat the steak.

"you're struggling a bit there aren't you?" Lucio laughed, smiling at Alina from across the table.

"oh my dearest Lui, be quiet." she'd chuckle, finally swallowing the piece of steak.

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